bad luck

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i wake up on a matress on the ground.i stretch to only get pain in my back and neck."ow"i said as i stood up."i told u to sleep on my bed" touka says getting up."well sorry i didn't think i would be in so much pain"i said as i looked at touka.the room was a mess due to the pillow fight we had.movies everywhere.some clothes due to dressing up.i walk around my room to find something to wear.and i found my clothes and put this on.

and i found my clothes and put this on

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surprising i didn't lose the earrings.and my shoulder is better.i look at touka who was already ready."so what do u want to eat"she ask then my phone rings.i take it out "who is it" she asks."dad"i say as i answer."hello"i say." akane,come to the hospital down the street of the CCG ,now"he says with sadness."what happened"i ask." just come and hurry before she falls asleep" he says making me worried. hang up "i have to go now,"i say as i walked to the front door."why"she asks."someone is in the hospital"i say with sadness."go then"she says as i nod my head.

i walked in to see my dad pacing."hello miss who are u going to see"a nurse asks."well i don't know but my father is here"i say in a kind voice."who would that be"she asks."i am akane suzuki and my dad is Hansuke  suzuki"i say."Miss suzuki are u related to Aiko suzuki"she asks as i nod my head."i am sorry, she is in down the hall where ur father is walking back and forth"she says as i nod my head."thank you"i say before going to my dad."akane"he says."what happened to mom"i ask.but he only opens the door.i walk in to see my mom in the bed.she had many bandages on her body"mom"i ask as she slowly looks at me."akane"she says is a weak voice."what happened"i ask." ambushed by a ss rated ghoul"she says with a bit of anger in her voice."who"i asks."at home there are files and how she looks at the info we know bout her.but her name is Mrs. Jason.she is the wife of a ghoul who likes to torture ghouls and humans,yamori "she says as i nod my head."i will find her"i say then her eyes slowly closes."the medicine is working.she will be asleep for a while for her wounds to heal"the docter says putting a hand on my shoulder

i walk into the house and found the files in the wok room.i barely come here but now i have a reason.i open the file to see her looks and some info like my mom said.

(pretend both are bigger and yes i drew this crapy drawing)

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(pretend both are bigger and yes i drew this crapy drawing)

i realized they never got her face only her kagune which looks a ukaku



REAL NAME: unknown

SPECIES: ghoul


COLOR KAGUNE:black, purple,blue and red.

RELATED: more likey married to Yakumo Oomori aka yamori.


AGE: around her 20-30's

DETAILS:she was last seen with yamori when they were eating and torturing a human in the 20th ward.we guess she is his wife due to spotting a ring on both of their ring fingers.she is also a ghoul eater just like yamori.

so i was right.she is a ukaku ghoul.i guess she wanted a meal and my mom was there to become it.hopefully my mom will be fine."akane" i go down to see my dad on the table with his head in his hands."i don't want to risk getting u hurt too so i am going to have to train u harder"he says looking in my eyes.he had sadness and worry in his eyes.while mines held a secret and worry as well.i nod my head.i didn't sleep the whole night due to his training me.i got better i was a fast learner.

a few days later

i wake up to be for 5 days already.and i think my dad is going crazy.he refuses to let to near the CCG.jeez it wasn't like i wanted too.i just wanted to find more info on Mrs.Jason.i go and change to this

i loved my little stitches choker

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i loved my little stitches was just long beads looking like stitches.i put my bangs to the side and grabbed my guns like always.i haven't seen touka in a while so i might as well visit her.and when i was training i had to miss school for a a shit ton of homework is coming with me on Monday.

i walk down the stairs to see my dad passed out on the couch.i smiled as i walked out.i walk to the coffee shop with the heat smell hitting me."hey akane it has been a long time i seen u"kaneki says hugging me.i hug back "i missed u all"i say as i backed up a bit."touka has been worried she is in her room right now"kaneki says as i nod my head."thank you"i say as i walked to the door.after finding her room i knock on her door."go away eye patch"touka growled from the other side of the door."oh is that my new nickname"i teased.i hear nothing then running feet coming to the door.soon the door slams was touka.she runs to me and hugs me.i hug her back too."god damn it suzuki.u scared me shitless"she says in my shirt.i was bit taller then her and with the heel boots."sorry"i say as i rub her head."what hell happened.u slept over then the next thing i know i don't see u for a damn week"she says angrily."sorry my mom is in a coma right now my dad went all father i have been training for the past week"i say with a smile." surprising someone who looks weak is actually a bodybuilder"she laughs as i pout." but still i thought u left because u found out i was a ghoul"she says.

"hey we pinky promised "i say holding out my pinky.she smiled as she holds out her pinky.we wrap our pinkies together "the promises i make will never be broken, purple-chan"i say with a small smile."alright"she says with a smile."come in"she says as i walk in."so who was the ghoul who put ur mom in coma"she ask as i pulled out a copy of the files.i showed it to her."this is the ghoul"she ask as i nod my head." she is in aogiri with yamori.and which my brother in there too"she says with a bit of anger." has he been bothering"i ask as she nods her head."he has been coming to my room at night since u had that sleepover"she says."creep"i say as she smiles.

touka decided to walk me home." yeah my dad is going crazy finding Mrs.jason"i laugh as touka smiles.but then it changes "we are not alone,"she says looking around.i reach for my gun but then i was pushed into a wall."u shouldn't call my name"a voice sang.i looked up to see her.

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