losing( cheesy/sad warning)

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how did it get to this?from hanging around to now being attacked by a few doves.it was only me and ayato.lets go back a bit, shall we?(also akane and kaneki got their kakuja, i am just lazy to put it in the story)

"hey ayato"i clung to him from behind and poked his cheek."yes"he says turning his head a bit to face me."i am bored"i say giving a sad face.he raises his brow "what am i supposed to do?"he asks "well maybe we can hang out or something"i ask."maybe go hunting or something"i say.he roll his eyes "midnight."he says as i smiled."yay"i cheered letting his go."great now i am cold"he says as i smiled."oh"i sang with a grin.he blushes "shut up"he says stuffing his hands in his pockets."do u want to cuddle"i ask as his blush darken "no"he mutters.i smiled "ok  then i will go hug kaneki or something"i say backing up slowly."get over here"he mutters as i smiled walking towards him again."yes ayato"i ask following him as he walks towards his room."i got u something"he mutters again.i was now confused "did u want to cuddle or give me something?"i ask tilting my head.

"both"he mutters opening his door.we walked in and he walks to his dresser.i flopped on his bed before he sits next to me.i look as i sat up."what is it"i ask "bracelets"he says giving me one."couple braclets"i say putting it on.i looked at th heart charm which had the word 'ever' on it.i looked on ayato's to see it says 'for'.i smiled "aww it is cute"i smiled."shut up"he says as i looked around his room.i gave up so i ran out of his room and went in my room.a few minutes later i return with red thread.i sat back on his bed"what the hell"he says as i ripped a long piece of thread."red string of fate"i say tying one end on my pinkie."give me ur hand"i say holding my hand.he looks at me then at my hand.i sigh before grabbing his hand and tying the other end on his pinkie."fate"i smiled holding up my hand as he blushes."i want to remember this moment"i say pulling out my phone."w-what N-NO-" "ayato, i only taking a photo of our hands not our faces"i say rolling my eyes.he sighs as i laugh "u overeact too much"i say setting up out pinkies.after a while i finally got it perfect so i took the photo."done"i say turning off my phone.i was about to take off the string but kaneki walked by."aww"he says as we both blush."wait until i see red thread with u and touka attacted"i smiled as he blushes."nevermind"he says walking away.i looked out to see it was nighttime "lets go"i say getting up.but i forgot he thread to my hand was pulled back."oops" i say before we took off the thread.

we wonder around while we told each other some jokes."so what does a tsundere always say"i ask ayato as we walked into a alleyway"i don't know"he says as i smiled "i am not a tsundere"i mocked ayato.he glares at me but a little smile appears."i am not a tsundere"he says as i smiled."sure mister i kill but i show no emotions"i say as a human appears."ok what if i kill that human, would that prove i have emotions"he asks with a smirk.the human looks at us with fear.he starts backing away "ok then do it"i say before ayato attacks.after the man's death ayato smirks "i proved it"he says wipping his mouth""GHOULS" we look to see 2 dovesgreat.but good thing we had our masks."good i wanted to kill"i say cracking my knuckle.

"watch out!"ayato calls out as i quickly turned around to see a dove running towards me with his quinque ready.his quinque looked familiar somehow.my ukaku blocks his attacks.we fought for a bit until i had my ukaku blocking his attack.we had our faces close and i was able to see his face.i froze as his glare harden."it can't be"i muttered before his eyes widen."i-it can't b-be...akane y-your one e-eye?!"he questions as his eyes watered.i haven't seen him in so long not after my mother death.i bet he had a lot of anger for one-eye not knowing that it was his daughter under the mask."how?u-u are s-supposed to be h-human"he questions with a shakey breath."i am sorry"i say as my eyes watered.a blood tear escapes my ghoul eye "i haven't seen u in so long"he says before dropping his quinque to the ground."h-how"my dad says closing his eyes making more tears escape.this was a living nightmare for a father, his child being a ghoul or worst.when the parent works as a ghoul investigator that KILLS ghouls but his/her child is a ghoul."i didn't want u to find out"i say."what are u doing" i turned to see ayato get hit from behind.my eyes widen as i ran towards him as the sharp quinque holder was about to stab ayato, just because he was distracted.the dove swings his quinque as i covered for ayato.i shut my eyes but nothing happened.i slowly opened my eyes to see ayato staring right behind me.

i slowly turned around to see my father stabbed in the chest.i gasp as my eyes begin to get blurry."dad..." "i-investigator suzuki?" my dad fell to his knees as more blood gushed out from his mouth and wound.he falls to his side but i caught him before he can hit the ground."dad"i sobbed as i held him close.ayato got off the ground and stabbed the other dove in anger."bastard.i wanted to him her dad when he was alive"he mutters before kneeing next to me."y-young man.t-take c-care of her p-please"my dad says weakly.ayato nods his head with a small smile "i promise " "a-akane, take care"he says before he smiled as he grabbed my hand.my teeth clench"where is the nearest hospital?!"i questioned looking around.but too late his hand fell from my grip."dad.." nothing.i pulled him close "not u too"i cried making my blood tears mix with his blood."akane" ayato says rubbing my back."i am sorry, i was wrong"i muttered.

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