forgiving him

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i sat in my room that i was wasn't bad nor good.but it was quiet, until naki stated crying again.i grab my headphone and put them on.i connect it to my phone but i couldn't chose which song to put.i gave up and took off the headphones.i get up and walked out of the room.i wondered around."hey akane" i turned to see eto."hey eto"i say with a small smile."what are u up to"she asks "nothing just looking around"i say."oh then come"she says running off.i tilt my head before following her.she leads me to the was a nice veiw of tokyo."i wanna see it"she says "what?"i ask "i want to see ur kagune"she says again."um-" "oh wait"she says running away.a few seconds later she comes back with an arm."here"she says holding it in my eye turned red and black."ok now show me"she says.i nod my head as a red and black liqud flows out from my back and quickly went into it's ukaku shape.i looked at them both to see them both are the same size.and they weren't small nope, they were big."so we were right.u do have sakura inside u"eto says as she stared at the colors.the red turned purple, it blended it when black and looked pretty, but also unreal for some reason.i put my ukaku only left a hole on my top.

i wondered back inside then i saw ayato.i quickly turned away "oi , come over here" i started walking away."OI"he repeats.he better not be talking to me.i walked to where kaneki was.he was staring outside from a destroyed room.i went next to him."hey"i say as he turns his head."hey"he says.i smiled "man.i can tell u changed a lot.u would say 'hello miss akane.nice to meet u' and now.i taught u good"i laughed.he smiles "well u are a good teacher"he says ruffling my hair."hey!i just brushed it"i say as i pulled his hand off.he laughs "do u miss touka"i ask when he stopped.he looked back outside."of course i do"he says."well she asked me to watch over u since u are a idiot"i smiled as he shakes his head with a smile."u do know i will be next to u, always"i say as he smiles."it would be good to have a friend"he says."friend?BOI i thought we were besties!or sibling!"i yelled with a pout.he laughs "i mean best friend"he says before pulling me into a hug."u know.i always wanted a big brother"i say as i hugged back."i always wanted a little sister"he says."SIBLING UNITE!!"i cheered as he laughs."siblings it is"he says.i smiled "well now i won't be alone"i say as he hummed."i won't leave u"i muttered in his chest.he smiled where a little sound i knew he was smiling.

i walked out of the room where kaneki was.i walk down a hall then i saw a shadow of a man.fuck this shit I'm out.i turned around and walked the other way.then in the light of speed i was pinned to the wall." hey!"i called out to only be met with a pair of blue eyes."let me go"i say with anger.he sighs with annoyance "u do know that u can't avoid me"he says as his hands grip tighter on my wrists.i can hear his breath as we both stared at each other." look, I warned u.didn't i" he whispers ."yes u did.but u did hurt touka, didn't u."i say with anger.he grunts with anger "i don't have time for this"i say forcing myself free and shoving him.he steps back a bit then something blue falls on the ground.i look down before grabbing it."u kept it?"i say staring at the toy bunny i gave him a while still looked brand new.i look at ayato who was blushing."of course i did"he mutters crossing his arms.a small smile formed on my mouth.i hand him the bunny "here"i say handing it to him.he grabs it before shoving it in his jacket."i guess i can forgive u this time around"i say with a smile.he had a little smile with a blush.but he replaced it when a frown "good"he says before he walked away.i smiled."tsundere"i muttered before walking away too.


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