her death

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i walked to school with touka next to me."so tell me, how is ur body?like is it normal?are u like kaneki?"she questions as i laugh."touka, i swear, u are like a scientist who is trying to figure out my way of life"i say as she pouts."just making sure"she says as i roll my eyes."yes, everything is alright"i say patting her back as we enter the school.

-time skips

normal day, again.i stood next to touka as she took out her stuff from her locker."so then, i was like i can't eat much.but bruh they kept giving me food"i groaned as touka laughs."well welcome to the ghoul life"she laughs as we walked to the coffee shop."touka"i ask with a small grin."yeah"he says turning her head to me."do u like anyone"i ask as a small blush appeared on he face.my grin widen "i bet i know who"i sang as she shakes her head."i-i don't"she stutters."is it kaneki?i bet it is"i say as her blush darken."YAS!"i cheered "shut up before someone hears u"touka says as i roll my eyes.

we walked to the cafe and started working."how is ur mom"touka asks while i washed the dishes."yeah u haven't said anything bout her,is she ok?"kaneki asks."what are u guys talking bout"nishiki comes in."my mom is in a coma, still.surprisingly she is still sleeping.i guess she lost a lot of blood"i say as i left arms wrapped around me.i blushed as kaneki and touka hugged me."touka this is really out of ur character"i say as she laughs.kaneki laughs too."u guys are mushy.whatever"nishiki says walking away.then i felt my phone ring.the 2 let me go and i grabbed my phone."aww u still have the little moon charm"touka says as she saw the charm.i smiled "of course"i say with a smile before answering the call.i answer "hello" there was silence before i heard a snuffle."hello?" i repeat."akane" i blinked when i heard my dad.i never saw nor heard him cry."dad?"i ask as i started feeling nervous

"come to the hospital,now"he says "yeah, i will be there soon"i say before hanging up.i look at the 2 "we'll come"they both says as i smiled."lets go"i say.

-time skip

"i am here for Aiko suzuki"i panted as i stood at the front desk with touka and kaneki.the nurse gave me a sad look "alright but the visit won't last long"she says as my heart pounded "what do u mean"i say slowly.she sighs "she is dying"she says as my eyes widen.i took off running.i opened the door to see my dad crying next to my mom.i walked next to her "mum"i say as she looks at me.i heard the door close, i look to see touka and kaneki next to the door.my mom smiles "are they ur friends"she asks as i nod my head.her voice was cracky and slowy, she sounds really weak."baby, i need to talk to u.can u all leave us"my mom says as everyone left.

once te door was closed i look at my mother.i held her hand."akane, look how pretty u are.i wish i could be able to see u grow"she says as i smiled as i held back the tears." remember akane, stay happy, don't change just because of me"she says wth a smile."yes, i will"i say as i kept blinking back the tears."i  wish i would be able to see u as an investigator.but sadly i won't be able to.i bet u would be a Special Class Investigator like me and ur father.i would be so proud"she says as water filled her eyes.her hand reaches to mines, i grabbed it and held it."mom, i can't"i say as my grip tighen as my stomach growled.shit, how can i be hungry.man this ghoul hunger will kill me.i close my ghoul eye so she wouldn't  see it but tears filled my eyes..i couldn't hold it,tears fell down my cheeks.she watched as a blood tears fall from my ghoul eye while salt water fell from my human eye."akane, why is there blood"she ask as i looked at her.i fell to my knees."i am sorry, but i can't be one.i can never make ur wish come true"i say as i looked at her."i am a ghoul"i say as my mother grew kind pale.she stared at me as more tears fell from her eyes.she took her hand from me and put it over her eyes.she stayed like that until a small smile grew on her lips.i opened my mouth to sy something but her hand fell a bit "mom?" nothing, then there was a long beep."MOM"i yelled as more blood fell.i clenched the bed sheets as my mixed tears soaked the fabric.i clenched my teeth before snapping to my feet.i put up my hoodie and walked out."akane-"my dad says looking at me "she is gone"i muttered as my dad rushes inside the room, pass me.i stood there "are u alright,"touka asks as she hugs me."hey it is ok"kaneki says patting my back."she found out, and she didn't say anything"i muttered with anger and sadness.

"she died knowing i am not the same daughter she raised"

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