Last Shot

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Last Shot😭 I loved writing about them! It gave such a good feeling😭 But unfortunately it has finally come to an end! I'll try to write an epilogue😖 @iamharshita I'll miss your demands for this story😃 I know I'm angry with you but I can't deny that fact!
Anyways here I present the....Last Shot

Last Shot

Divyanka lay on the hospital bed exhausted. Her eyes were closed, her sweaty face was pink and her lips turned into a beautiful smile when she heard cries of the babies. Finally they made it!

She opened her eyes and saw Vivek looking at their babies with so much love. He held both of them close to him and looked at them as if he was a kid who for the first time saw something new.

He looked at her with tears of happiness, after all he was holding two bundles of joy.

She gave him a weak smile as he walked towards her with their babies. A boy and a girl.

"Vivyan And Vedika"

They whispered.

(Imagine them to be twins)

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(Imagine them to be twins)

She kissed both of theirs forehead. Both of them were fast asleep.

She looked at her babies. Both were so small and pinkish. Their lips were curled into a pout as Vedika held Vivek's finger in her tiny hands.

"She's Daddy's princess... See! She loves me more"

Vivek admitted proudly.

Divyanka shook her head at her childish husband and took Vivyan in her arms. Her Baby Boy.

His cheeks were plump just like Vedika's. They both looked similar except their features as Vedika had girlish features and Vivyan had boyish features.

Vivek stood up walking around with Vedika in his arms.

"Hey Baby girl! This is Daddy.. How are you? Do you like the world outside?"

Divyanka frowns and looks up from her baby boy. She saw Vedika wide awake and Vivek talking to her.

The most funny part was when he made funny faces at her and she started crying.

Divyanka laughed at him and took Vedika from his arms after putting Vivyan into the crib.

She cooed her to sleep but she was probably hungry. Divyanka fed her while Vivek smiled at the mother-daughter duo. He looked down at his son who looked something similar to what he looked when he was a baby.

He caressed Vivyan's cheeks who started stirring under his touch. He took him in his arms and smiled.

Even though he has taken many babies in his arms but having his own babies in his arms felt so good. He felt blessed.

The worst moment was when Vivyan opened his eyes and started crying seeing Vivek's face.

Vivek made a puppy face and gave Vivyan to Divyanka who now kept Vedika into the crib.

"Am I that scary?", She heard Vivek's voice and suppressed a laugh. Actually he wasn't scary but the babies were hungry.

After the babies fell asleep again, Divyanka took some rest while Vivek was sitting beside her caressing her hair until she fell asleep and then he was there sitting and looking down at the babies.

His heart swelled when Vedika opened her eyes and looked at him. They look so adorable. Its so hard to believe that he has become a father. The feeling is so good, Vivek sighed.

Vedika looked at him and started showing her tongue. Well that's what most babies do!

He caressed her chubby cheeks with his thumb before taking her into his arms and cooing her to sleep.

Soon, all their friends and families came for the visit. All looked at the twins with awe. And very soon the twins rocked the social world. When Divyanka opened her instagram all she could see was her twins. She smiled and clicked their pics.

After 2 days,

Divek entered their house with the twins. Vivyan in Vivek's arms and Vedika in Divyanka's.

They walked inside the babies' room and talked with them even though they knew the babies' weren't understanding anything.

The whole day passed by with guests coming home to see Divyanka and Babies.

After a tiring day, Divek tucked the babies to sleep and sat on the couch with coffee in their hands.

Divyanka was sitting in between his legs with her back facing his chest. She kept her head on his chest and he pecked her lips lightly.

"Thank you so much"

Vivek whispered dropping kisses down her neck. She moaned his name when he left a hickey there. He intertwined their fingers and turned her to him. He captured her lips into a soul searing kiss. He licked her lower lip asking for entrance which she gave immediately. Their tongues danced together. Soon they were making out until they heard babies cry.

Oh no! They forgot that they weren't alone now. They had two devils who are definitely not letting them stay together.

Divyanka fed them and soon fell asleep exhausted. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she saw Vivek sitting on the Sofa fast asleep with Vedika close to him. Maybe Vedika woke up and he fell asleep with her on the sofa. She couldn't help but let out a 'aww' at the cute scene in front of her.

She quickly picked her phone and clicked their pic.

She walked towards them and tried taking Vedika from him so that she could tuck her back to her crib with her brother and make Vivek sleep with her on the bed but his hold on Vedika was firm and she couldn't succeed in her task.

She shook him vigorously until he opened his heavy eyes and looked at her. She signalled towards Vedika and he grinned remembering how Vedika woke up and he thought he would scare her. So he was about to go and wake Divyanka but her cries got louder when she saw him ignoring her or we can say going away. It looked as a sign that she wanted to be in his arms. And when he took her in his arms her cries slowed slowed and she passed a toothless smile.

He pecked her cheeks before getting up and placing her back to the crib. He kissed his baby boy too and walked towards his lady love.

Lying next to her, he pulled to his chest and she cuddled into him.

This is it! He has a perfect family. He needs nothing more in his life now.



Its the end😭😘
I'll miss writing this story
Vote and comment😘
Happy Birthday Ishika😘

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