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I was sixteen years old when I sold my body to pay for my father's funeral.

That was a day I will never forget. It was the day I had to turn my back on my dreams, so I could work and feed my one year old baby sister at the time. After my father was murdered in a mugging attempt, things got worse than they already were. My mother was never the caring kind. There were no Christmas celebrations, no birthdays, and certainly no normal mother daughter affection. She often reminded my sister that she had tried to get rid of her when she was barely three months pregnant. And me? I was just a body walking around, nothing she really paid attention to. I was the one that paid for what little we had, and kept us afloat for many years.

But all of that changed the day he kidnapped me.

2 years ago

"Don't leave" my sister Kimmy said while wrapping herself to my leg. I sighed. Trust me, if I didn't have to I wouldn't. But I understood why she didn't want to stay home with mom. Although she was barely five years old, my mother treated her like she was a teenager. She didn't understand many things yet, like the real reason why dad wasn't with us anymore. She believed dad had died in a car accident when she was a baby, but we knew better. He was found with a bullet hole in his forehead in an empty parking lot and his wallet was gone.

"I'm sorry, but if we want to get those spaghettis you like so much, I have to go get those tips" I said, slowly pulling her away from me. She looked up at me with her big blue doe eyes

She also didn't understand the real reason behind mom's disappearances and sleeping schedules. In other words, she didn't understand that the reason my mom was always sleeping or bad mouthing her was because she was high.

"But you promised me" she whined in a tiny voice and I picked her up carefully and brought her to the bed we shared.

"I know, baby. We'll do it tomorrow, I promise" I told her with a small smile. She had been begging me to finish reading her the book Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone, and although I had no idea how she understood this complicated book, I enjoyed watching her excitement as I read the pages out loud every night.

Its amazing, the kind of things kids hold on to for happiness. But then again, I wish my source of happiness came from a book and not from the tips I got at the diner.

Kimmy got in bed and stretched her arms out to hug me. She was too small for a five and half year old, but I blame my mom for that. Kimmy had to fight for her life even when she was in my mother's womb, and, miraculously, the only defect was her tiny curled up hand which was part of her hand paralysis. But she was perfect in my eyes with her two little auburn piggy braids and bright blue eyes. Considering my mom wasn't really a mom, she was attached to me like a leech. I had to push the thought out as I was already running late for my night shift, so I gave Kimmy a hug, a kiss on her head and put her to sleep.

Walking out of the room and safely locking it behind me like i did every night to avoid mom getting in the room, I tiptoed past the small cluttered living room where she was passed out on the couch. I had stopped worrying about her state of health by now. She had been doing this for years and my dad didn't really ask her to stop when he was alive, as he most likely did the same thing as her but not so openly. But you could only hope so much with parents like this. At twenty years old I had to figure out how to raise my five-year-old sister and keep a roof over our heads after he died, and although she was the sweetest girl, it was very difficult to raise a kid when I was still trying to figure my own life out.

After hopping inside my beat up '03 Honda, I got to the diner in record time and rushed while tying the skirt apron on, giving a look to my coworker.

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