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November 9th, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana

"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad," Mike repeated as we walked through the school doors, me and Eleven wearing the outfits the boys had given us yesterday. 

"Attention students," A male voice announced, his voice echoing through out the whole school, "there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now." We quickly made our way over to the door, which kept the Heathkit, but the door was locked.

"It's locked," Mike groaned, turning around to us in fustration. I sighed out, searching around for something to use to open it.

"Hey, do you two think you can open it? With your powers?" Dustin questioned, turning to me and Eleven who just looked over at him with a blank expression.


We all turned around quickly, resulting in Lucas slamming his back against the door, "hey."

"Assembly's about to start."

"We know, we're just, you know.." Mike mumbled, trailing off, looking down at his feet after.

"Upset," Lucas added, quickly frowning afterwards.

"Yeah, defenitely upset," Dustin stammered, staring up at the man with dark hair.

"We just need some alone time," Mike spoke up once again.

"To cry," Dustin frowned, staring up at the man, as if he were checking to see if he believed it. I turned my head to Eleven, who just simply shrugged her shoulders. Who was this man? Was this Mr.Clarke?

"Listen, I get it, I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for him, alright? And then.." He stopped, digging through his pockets, before pulling out a bronze key, tossing it to Mike who caught it,  "the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day." Yep, Mr.Clarke. The boys smiled up at him, before he turned to me and Eleven. "I don't believe we've met before. What are your names?"

I stared up at him for a second, before clearing my throat, "Twe-

"Twenya! A-and that's Eleanor. They're my, uh-"

"Cousins!" Lucas exclaimed, finishing Mike's sentence.

"Second cousins," Dustin added, putting up two of his fingers with a nervous smile.

Mike sighed, "they're here for Will's funeral."

"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, girls," He frowned, nodding his head towards us, "I wish you two were here under better circumstances."

"Thank you," Eleven nodded her head, her hands clasped together by her front. 

"Uh, where are you two from exactly?"

"Bad pla-"

"Sweden!" Dustin interuptted me, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Was I not supposed to tell the truth?

"I have alot of swedish family," Mike chuckled nervously, nodding his head towards Mr.Clarke.

"They hate it there."

"Cold!"Lucas pretended to shiver, wrapping his arms around his body. 

"Subzero," Dustin dragged out, using his finger for emphasis, making me giggle quietly.

"Shall we?" Mr.Clarke spoke out awkwardly, making the boys sigh in relief.


We quickly entered through the assembly doors, the Mr. who had been talking stopped immediatly, causing all of the students to turn their heads. There must've been about 200 people in that one room!

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