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Although that's not Raffey Cassidy, that's how her Lightning Manipulation works..

November 9th, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana

I sat beside my sister as she stared at the 'Heathkit' in front of her. "You'll find him, right El?" She didn't reply and took deep breaths as Mike turned the nob to the radio, causing it to make static noises. He pulled away after a few moments, backing away as Eleven gripped my hand tighter, slamming her eyes shut as she tried to locate Will. She started to squeeze my hand tightly, as the light above us started to flicker. I quickly turned my attention away from Eleven, staring up at the light, focusing as hard as I could. It soon stopped flickering, shining brightly, before I turned back to Eleven.

The radio started to channel through, making my face brighten up in hope, as it did with Mike. "she's doing it, she's channeling him!"

"Calm down, she only closed her eyes," Lucas groaned, rolling his eyes as he bent down, his hands resting against the top of his knees. Suddenly, the light shattered, the small glass pieces falling onto the table in front of me. My powers had worn out due to the amount of energy Eleven had been using. Eleven had always been stronger than me, and had the better power. She could control things with her mind, unlike me who could only control nature and manipulate others to do things that I tell them to do. Nothing big. We could both go into our own thoughts, and we could both hear well, but there was one thing Eleven could always do, which I could not. She could go to the Upside Down. There's a difference between picturing the Upside Down, and actually going. I've never gone, it'd be too dangerous-I may never come back.

My thoughts were interuptted as a loud clanging sound came from the radio, making my eyes widen in fear. Bang-bang-bang-bang! It started to get louder and faster each time, making the boys back away in fright.

"Mom?" A voice then said, making me gasp in shock. It was male, and sounded young and scared. I recognized the voice clearly, making me sigh out.


"No way!" Lucas dragged out in surprise, staring down at the radio.

"Will!" Mike shouted, making me flinch slightly at the sudden change of voice.

"Will, can you hear us?" Dustin added, smacking his fist against the table.


"Hello? Mom!" Will continued to call, not being able to hear a word the boys were saying. 

"Why can't he hear us?" Lucas asked, facing me with a look of fear. I shook my head quickly, staring back at him with a look of confusion, making him groan out, "can you fix it? Don't you have powers too?" I nodded, focusing my attention on the radio. The radio needed better electricity for us to hear him, so that's what I did. I used most of the energy inside of me, and focused it on the radio. The clear bolts sparked from my palms, and over into the radio, making it shake, the boys backing up quickly.

"It's like home, but it's so dark..it's so dark and empty, and cold! Mom? Mom!"

"Will, can you hear us?" Lucas called again, still no answer, making him turn to me, "try harder!"

"If she trys any harder she might drain out!" Dustin argued, glaring over at Lucas, who had been staring at me, his fingers though his dark hair. I obeyed Lucas though, adding in the rest of my energy, the long electricty bolt growing thicker and brighter, slightly burning up my hand. I hadn't been used to so much power, and I knew I was gonna regret it in the end.

"Will.." I called out weakly, hoping that maybe he could hear me.

"Mom? Mom, is that you?" Will called out, the clanging noise repeating three times, making me realise he had been banging on a wall. I then stood, an idea forming in my head as I made my way over to the radio, before hesitantly placing my hand upon it, the bolts of electricity still pouring out of my hand. And then everything went white.


I watched Levy get up from her seat next to Eleven, before slowly making her way towards the radio, the bolts of light still pouring out from her hand. I stared at her in confusion, watching as she slowly reached her hand to the radio, placing her hand upon it. I quickly blocked my vision with a groan, as well as the other boys as a bright light flooded into the room, making it almost impossible to see a thing. When the light finally faded away into two small circles, I turned my head, gasping in shock at what I had seen. 

I saw Levy, but at the same time it wasn't her. Her eyes were a bright white, lightning strikes circling around her body as the radio echoed with Wills voice. "Hello, guys? Mom? Hello!"

Mike quickly stepped forwards, ignoring Levy's figure as he bent down towards the radio, reaching his fingers out to it. "Will? Will, it's me, Mike!"

"Mike?" Will finally asked after a few moments of silence, making me gasp. Will heard him. Will could hear us!

"Will!" Lucas and I shouted, running over to the radio in releif. I turned my head to Levy, who stood frozen in her spot, not being able to move, like Eleven, who had still been sitting in the chair, her eyes closed. "Will, where are you?"

"I don't know! Please help me! It's coming!"

"What's coming!" Mike shouted, staring at the radio in fear.

"It's coming. Help! Mom! Mike! Help me, please, it's coming!"

"Will, tell us what you see," Lucas demanded to know.

"It's coming! Help, its-" The radio instantly cut as Mike placed his fingers against it, sending us flying backwards into the legs of the table as the radio exploded, large amounts of smoke filling the room, making us all cough as it filled our lungs.

"Levy!" I called, earning no responce, exept for the groans of the other boys, and Eleven who sat in the chair behind us. I slowly stood to my feet, brushing the smoke out of face with my hands, finally spotting Levy passed out on the floor. "Levy!"

"Is she okay?" Lucas quickly asked, rushing over to my side as I bet down next to her. Blood had been dripping from her nose, as well as her mouth as she laid, her eyes closed tightly. She was covered in ash, caused by the explosion of the radio, which had caused the fire alarm to blare. I quickly picked her up in my arms, following after Lucas, and Mike, who helped Eleven run, by placing her arm around his shoulder. I hope and prayed that she'd be okay.

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