Chapter 8

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Greyson's POV

''Greyson, I have great news.'' my mom said to while walking into my room.

''What is it?''.I asked a little excited already.

 ''You have a performance today in the park outside the mall at 3 a clock and that it's now 2 a clock so you'd better hurry up''. My mom said with a big smile on her face.

''That's great! I'll be down in 5 minutes! Thanks mom!'' I said when i hugged her and then she went downstairs. I took my Phone, my songbook and my wallet. My mom is packing in my keyboard downstairs so. As i wanted to go downstairs, i quickly look outside my window to see if YN is there... Aw, she's not in her room. I wanted to ask her if she would like to come watch but now i think of it, i would already know the answer.


I sleeped a little too long. I walk downstairs all dressed up and make my breakfast. at 2 a clock.... Bad gurrll. I walk with my food to the living room where my mom is reading a book. I want to talk with my mom.

''Mom, can I talk to you for a second?'' I asked carefully

''Of course honey,always!'' She said really sweet and she closed her book.

''Well, the last time it feels like there is something going on with you but you don't wanna tell me. You act a little to sweet and you're Always reading or sleeping. You never did that a month ago. What's wrong mom? I love you'' I told her. My mom starts crying. Oh no.

''Oh honey i'm so sorry. You're right. There is something going on but i didn't want you to know because that would make you so sad and i love you YN. But i think that i have no other choice than telling you now. Sweetie, I have breast cancer'' She told me and cried harder.

My mouth fell open. My eyes started  to filling with water. My knees are getting weak. I walk towards my mom and hugged her for i think 10 minutes. We cried together. I wasn't mad at her for not telling me. In this situation you just can't be mad at your mom. After 10 minutes i needed some fresh air. I needed to place this big big news. I went outside and just walked. no idea where i'm going but i just kept walking. I was still crying.

I walked until i was in a kind of park i think outside a mall. I saw a bench and i sat on it. I sat there for 5 minutes when i heard behind me a voice singing. That voice sounds so familiar. Uhm..who is it again.. Oh no. Greyson Chance. He had a performance here? Right now? Ugh. Next to me i see an icecream car. I found in my pocket a little money so i walked to  the ice cream car. My mom Always told me that ice cream helps when you're sad.

Greyson POV

I was singing my first song and the crowd started to fill up. But then someone caught my eye. I see YN crying on a bench while eating ice cream. I can't talk to her right know cause i need to finish my performance.

After i was done with my performance i was so happy that YN was still sitting there. I walked to the bench and sat next to her. '' Hi, YN, You liked my performance?'' I carefully asked because i know she was sad.

'' Go away'' Was the only thing she said.

YN , What's wrong? You can to talk to me whenever you want '' I said.

''Greyson I don't wanna talk to you okay! I don't like you and i never will! '' She yelled at me.

''Fine, if you don't wanna talk to me, talk with your friends or your mom , i don't know. Talk to someone about it because that helps'' I said to her still nice but i'm actually getting a little mad at her rude rude reaction the whole time.

''Whatever gaygrey,pff.'' She said arrogantly. That was my breakpoint...

''That's it! Since the day that I moved here i've been so nice to you! But you? You're acting like a total Bitch!! I'm done. Bye YN '' I yelled and i walked away.


i''m done. Bye YN''.

As he walked away i yelled at him. ''My mom has freaking breast cancer okay!'' He stood still and wanted to turn around but i already runned away. The whole way walking back to my home i was thinking about what Greyson said to me. I realised something. I was acting like a total bitch.. I'm feeling a little guilty actually.

As i got back home, my mom asked me worried where i was. I told her i was just eating ice cream in the park. I went to my room. i found a note on my window.

I'm so sorry for calling you a bitch and i'm so sorry that your mom has cancer. i hope u can forgive me and i wish the best for your mom.
- Greyson (gaygrey)

That's actually very sweet. I should be the one apologizing. Not he. He was right when he called me a bitch and he was right with talking to someone. what did i do? This was such a long day.. I'm tired , sad and mad at myself.


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