Chapter 4: War

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I've only been upstairs a hour after the argument and even though a hour usually is a small fragment of time, it seems like an eternity waiting for my mom to come upstairs and smooth things over. Me and my mom rarely ever fight but that's only due to the fact that I always bow down to her and never question her.

I know that my brothers death changed her, a mother is suppose to go before her child it's only natural and when fate has another thing in store it can be devastating but it was hard for me to see my big brother go too. She's lucky she wasn't the one who-

I'm driven out of my thoughts when I hear the door creak open. I turn to see my mom who walks over to me and sits on my bed sighing.

" Addison, you know I love you and I do these things to protect you. "

She says, finally turning her gaze to me.

" I know mom...but you can't protect me from everything. "

She laughs lightly, making it sound like a bitter laugh more than a sweet one. She turns her gaze back to the floor as she does this.

" You're so much like him. He said that very same thing to me before he left for college. "

I watch in silence as my mom tries to compose herself, it's not the first time I've seen my mom break down in front of my eyes.

When she finally stands up she sniffles and turns towards me once again.

" I'm sorry but I forbid you to go to that school, you can take your classes online. "

" Mom, that's not fair and you know it! "

I yell, sitting up.

" I don't care what's fair Addison Grace! The world isn't fair! "

" I'm not Cole mom! "

Suddenly I feel the right side of my face burn in pain as her hand slaps my face. Both of our mouths hang wide open at what just happened. She's never put her hands on me before, she vowed to me and Cole she would never do such a thing.

" Addison I'm so- "

She starts but I shake my head.

" You can't keep me locked in my room forever mom, Cole's gone but I'm still here and I'm going to live my life even if you disagree. "

The atmosphere suddenly changes and her worried, soft face turns stern within a second.

" Not if I have anything to do with it. "

With those final words she stomps out of the room, slamming the door and with that one slam she has declared war.

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