Chapter 8: Shower Drama

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I wake up yawning and sit up, remembering the events of yesterday. I look down and see Tabias snoring and drooling all over his pillow. As I stretch my arms, I'm nearly knocked off my feet by the smell of my own arms. Did I smell that bad last night? How did Tabias stand me?

I finally decide to wake Tabias up to take a shower, not wanting to go wander around to find the bathroom.

" hmm? "

He mumbles, opening his eyes.

" I need a shower but I don't know where the bathroom is. "

I reply embarrassed. He chuckles and stands up yawning and stretching his arms...shirtless. When did he take his shirt off? Why did he take his shirt off? Why am I having trouble not starring at him with his shirt off?

" Addie are you listening? "

" What? "

I ask snapping out of my trance.

" Do you have your shampoo and stuff or do you need mine? "

He ask.

" I have my own. "

He nods and then I follow him to the bathroom.

" The towels are under the sink and make sure to get your things out of the shower, if you don't someone will probably use them. "

He tells me.

" Okay. "

" When you're done I will be downstairs in the kitchen, it's easy to find. "

I nod and he leaves. As I shut the door I glare at it, noticing there's no lock on the door knob. What kind of bathroom doesn't have a lock? I guess when the house is full of guys only it doesn't matter.

I start the shower and step in sighing contently as the warm water drenches my body, I probably stay in there an hour at least. Making sure to wash every inch and every strand of hair. As I'm about to turn the water off I hear someone walking around and freeze up. I stand there for a few minutes but don't hear anything, maybe I just imagined it.

I turn the water off and draw back the curtains and scream bloody murder as I see a guy who's standing over the toilet half a sleep. As soon as I start screaming he falls over yelling curse words and I cover my body up with the shower curtain. The door burst open and I look to see Tabias looking so ready to murder someone. He takes in the scene in front of him and then burst into laughter.

" It's not funny! Both of you get out! "

I yell at them, Tabias tries to contain his laughter as he helps his friend up and they both leave closing the door. My face by now is the color of a tomato and I feel like dying.

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