Chapter 13: Ethan

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Class went by uneventful and by the time I sat down, it was to late to talk to anyone because the teacher had already begun class. Although, I wasn't really upset about it considering I already made friends with Ron and Aron. Even if I'm not quite used to Aron's flirtatious comments.

Class wasn't as fun as I thought it would be but it wasn't terrible. My hand was sore from all the note taking, I think I was the only one taking notes. No one looked at me like I was insane however, so I guess I don't completely stick out like a sore thumb.

I finally felt like a normal young adult, if my mom could see me now would she still think I was just a child? Most likely. However, some how I like myself more knowing I'm capable of being on my own. Even if I'm not completely on my own just yet.

The last class of the day ends and I find myself slightly exhausted, but happy. It may not be everything I thought it would be but this is the start of being normal and normal on my own, which is all I really wanted.


Ethan's P.O.V

I cup my hand in front of my lighter, trying to prevent the wind from blowing it out as I set fire to my cigarette. I finally get it, and shove the lighter back in my pocket as I feel the constant stares on me. It's typical for the first day, by the end of the week most people should be back to their own world and back to ignoring my existence for the most part.

" Where the fuck is he? "

I grumble to myself as I look around for my friend Zach. As I'm looking around I see a cop giving me a dirty look, the fact that you're not suppose to smoke on school property probably has a lot to do with this. However, I just smile and wave at him and he averts his gaze.

I hear a group of giggling girls and see a group of typical whores standing together and whispering as they keep glancing back at me. The kind of girls who go outside wearing nothing but underwear and then shit talk about guys starring at them. If you don't want them starring, cover your damn body. I guess having class is dead in this generation.

I hear someone clear their throat and look to see one of the girls from the group standing in front of me smiling. I raise an eyebrow at her.

" Yeah? "

I ask, slightly annoyed.

" My friend Rachel thinks you're cute, can she have your number? "

She ask and points to "Rachel" who hides behind another girl in the group, yet again giggling uncontrollably.

" Sorry, I don't do sluts. "

I say, taking a long inhale from my cigarette.

Apparently this isn't the answer she was looking for because her face completely drops.

" Y-you can't just talk to people like that! "

She says, stomping her foot.

" If you want people to take you and your friends seriously, might I suggest putting clothes on before you leave the house? "

Yet again, her mouth drops. I roll my eyes as I check my phone and still have no messages from Zach.

" Now of you will excuse me, I have to go. "

I say and push past her to walk away, leaving her dumbfounded.

I walk to the parking lot where my motorcycle is parked and look around, not seeing Zach's car. I pull out my phone and dial his number from my contacts as I begin walking.

" Zach I've been here forever man where the fuck are yo-"

I am unable to finish my sentence due to me running slam into someone.

" Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. "

My heart stops in my chest as I drop my phone. I can feel my wolf going insane as we both realize what's happening.

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