Chapter 6: Cranky Office Workers

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Me and Ian talked the for hours on the bus, well he talked I listened. Although I didn't mind one bit, he told me about his wife and how they got married as soon as they turned eighteen and have been together for eight years now and how he was traveling for military but he got off because she's pregnant with their first child. I couldn't help but smile as his eyes lit up when he talked about her.

" Well this is my stop kiddo. "

He tells me, standing up. He ruffles my hair and gives me a boyish grin.

" Take care of yourself out there. "

I nod my head and watch as he walks off the bus, as soon as he steps one foot out he's nearly tackled to the ground by his wife but he stops her, scolding her not wanting her to hurt the baby. I smile as the bus pulls away and he puts his hands on her stomach. I want a love like that, without the baby of course because I'm to young for that.

I try to fall a sleep, knowing I still have a hour left on the bus but with every attempt I fail, I can't help but be excited to finally be out on my own and meeting new people. My phone suddenly buzzes and I look to see my moms name pop up on the screen, I stare at it for a second but then press the end call. If I talked to her I know she would cry and talk me out of staying but I need to do this, if I never go out into the world I will never know what to do when she's gone.

I text her a simple " I'm okay, don't worry. " and turn my phone off. I need to focus on just living life, not the guilt I'm feeling due to leaving home.


The bus finally comes to a stop and I smile as I see the familiar buildings tower over us, I researched the towns near the university so I would know what to expect and where to go when I showed up.

I thank the driver and step off the bus, excitedly looking around. As I'm looking around I notice the whispers of people around me and the many stares I'm getting. It's then that I realize it's due to the fact I walked all the way to town to get on the bus and then had to sit on that bus for hours in my sweaty clothes, so I probably look like a total wreak.

I pull up my map on my phone and start walking to the university, ready for a shower and fresh change of clothes. To my surprise it only takes five minutes to get there and as I walk up to the university I feel butterflies in my stomach at the glorious site of my new beginning.

I follow the signs to the main office where you register and get your dorm number.

" Hi I'm Addison Grace, I applied online. I'm here for my room key. "

I smile at the lady at the desk, who gives me a odd look due to my appearance. She ruffles through her papers and then looks back up at me.

" you're dorm isn't ready yet, you're suppose to be here on Monday. "

She says.

" It's Friday though? I thought the rooms would be ready by now. "

" Well you thought wrong, now I have work to do. I will see you Monday Ms.Grace. "

She goes to walk away but I grab her arm.

" Please! I don't have any where to stay for the weekend and I'm hours from home, isn't there any way- "

She jerks her arm out of my grip and glares at me.

" That is not my problem mam and if you as much as lay a finger on my again I will call security. "

She storms off, to what I'm guessing is her office as I walk outside wondering what I'm suppose to do now.

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