Chapter 16: Zach

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Ethan's P.O.V

I throw yet another beer bottle at the wall in anger and watch as it smashes into a million tiny pieces, sitting on the floor broken like the others.

" You know man, your ways to solve stress really should have more of a variety. "

My friend, Zach, says walking in with half a cheeseburger stuffed in his mouth.

" Fuck off. "

I growl, not bothering to look at him as I continue to throw more bottles.

" So what has gotten your panties in a wad? "

Zach ask, while chewing annoyingly with his mouth wide open.

" I found my mate. "

I grumble.

" Maybe I'm a dumb ass but, isn't that a...good thing? "

" It would be if she wasn't sleeping with a whole house of guys. "

I say, clenching my fist.

" Whoa, whoa, rewind! What? Did you catch her in the act? "

" Well no. "

I avert my gaze to the floor.

" But she told me she lives at a frat house and I could see she was close to those assholes. "

" Just because a chick is close to guys doesn't mean she wants to fuck them you know? Is strange she's living at a frat house though. Did she say why? "

How can he sound so calm and okay with all of this? Even if she wasn't my mate she would be looked down on for staying at such a place. Yet he's acting like this whole thing is normal.

" She said it was complicated. "

" Well that doesn't seem like much of an answer to me. Don't you want to find out more? "

" What's there to find? I could smell different scents all over her. She isn't worth my time. "

I'm about to storm out of the room to go for a run but Zach stops me, putting his arm out to block my path.

" She's your mate idiot. You only get one mate so I think you better stop being dramatic and look at things logically. "

As soon as the last word leaves his mouth I forcefully push his arm out of my way and leave.

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