Chapter 12: School

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It was time,time to face what nearly everyone has to face at some point in their life. School.

I've seen plenty of movies and Tv shows that have college students in them but all they ever really show is the girl or guy partying or how financial unstable they are. Neither of those sound much fun to me.

Aron and Ron keep assuring me I will be fine and I can only hope that everyone acts as friendly as they do but I know that probably won't be the case. I know I may be clueless to the outside world in many ways but even in the fairytale's there is always a villain.

" I promise everyone will be super nice! "

Ron chirps as me, him, and Aron walk out the door heading to class. I told them I could find my way to my own class, which was a total lie but they insisted to walk me on the first day. I had to admit I was happy that they did.

" If not, just tell the girls your friends with me and they will be putty in your hands. "

Aron smirks proudly, slinging his arm around me as me and Ron just roll our eyes.

" Yeah, yeah we all know you're a man whore and your proud. "

Ron says.

" Hey! I'm not a man whore, it's not my fault women can't keep their hands off me. "

" I swear if your head was any bigger you would float away. "

I burst out laughing at Ron's statement as Aron pouts.

" Well here's your class. "

Ron says as we walk up to a classroom that is halfway full already. Aron takes his arm away from me and ruffles my hair.

" Go get some ass. "

He winks and I just stare at him dumbfounded.

" I think he's trying to say in fuckboy language to make friends. "

Ron tells me.

" Oh, in that case thank you. "

I say slightly laughing.

" Do you want us to meet you after your class ends or are you okay on your own? "

Ron ask.

" No, that's okay. I have three more classes after this one so I will be fine. I really appreciate both of your help though, it means a lot. "

" No pro- "

Before Ron can get his sentence out Aron pushes him out of the way.

" You know you could reward me with a kiss? "

He smirks and leans forward but doesn't get far before Ron yanks him by his shirt back.

" I swear you need to be neutered! "

Ron hisses at him.

" Well see you guys later. Don't kill each other while I'm gone. "

I say as I notice the teacher say class is about to start.

" No promises. "

Ron says, sounding very annoyed as he watches his brother trail behind a group of girls.

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