Three More Months

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⚠: mpreg
this one's short, sorry
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Yoongi sighed contentedly as he watched the snow falling softly. He took a sip from his coffee-filled mug, and smiled to himself. He wrapped his arms around his frame and watched from the window as the city was enveloped with the falling snow crystals. Everything was so peaceful.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso, and smiled when he felt his husband's tummy pressed up against his back. He felt Hoseok lay his head on his shoulder and sigh contentedly, his warm breath tickling against his ear.

"Only three more months," Hoseok whispered softly, tracing little patterns with his finger onto Yoongi's chest.

"Yeah," Yoongi breathed, "I can't wait to see our little princess," he smiled warmly.

"You're going to spoil her, just like you spoil me," Hoseok giggled softly, pressing a light kiss against Yoongi's jaw.

Yoongi smiled and turned around in his husband's hold. He leaned in and pressed their lips together softly. Then, he bent down, lifted up Hoseok's sweater, and kissed his round, swollen stomach.

"Daddy's precious little princess," he cooed lovingly.

Hoseok grinned down at his husband, he was so in love with this man, "Will you come cuddle on the couch with me?" He asked with a pout.

"Of course, angel," Yoongi smiled, his mug placed on the windowsill forgotten, and the crystal snow falling softly beyond the glass panes.

It was a wonderful sight, but he had a more beautiful one to gaze upon. His beautiful husband, carrying his child, laying in between his legs as they bundled up together on the couch to watch a film. Their lives were truly blessed.

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