I Missed You

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"Oh look at you! My beautiful baby boy, my precious boy!" Hoseok cooed, nuzzling his nose against his dog's.

Mickey yipped excitedly, licking Hoseok's face, causing the boy to giggle. He'd just finished brushing the little dog's coat, and had put various bows and clips in his fur.

"Such a good boy!" Hoseok praised, scratching the pup's head, "You want a treat, baby? You want a treat?"

Mickey yipped enthusiastically, wiggling his tail violently in excitement. Hoseok stood up from his bed and grabbed the container of dog treats he kept on his shelf. He quickly went back, and held one out for Mickey. The dog gobbled down the treat immediately, licking his lips, then looking up at his owner for another.

Hoseok giggled and gave him one more. After he put the bag away, he scooped his pup into his arms and nuzzled into his fur. He kissed the side of Mickey's head.

"What a cutie," Hoseok commented again.

Just then, his phone vibrated from inside his pocket. He let Mickey down on the ground, although the dog pawed at his leg, wanting more attention. Hoseok had gotten a text message from his boyfriend saying he was here.

"Yoonie's here, Mickey!" Hoseok told him excitedly.

Hoseok skipped excitedly out of his room, and to the door of his apartment, while Mickey followed. Hoseok opened the door and Holly, his boyfriend's dog, immediately rushed in. Yoongi chuckled at that, then stepped into the apartment, and pulled Hoseok into a hug.

"I missed you," Hoseok said, snuggling his face into Yoongi's neck.

"So have I," Yoongi said, kissing the side of Hoseok's head, "Work has just been so stressful, and I've been busy."

"It's okay," Hoseok smiled, pulling away. He slipped his hand into Yoongi's, "C'mon, let's go sit."

Hoseok pulled his boyfriend over to the couch, pushed him down gently, pecked his lips, then scampered to the kitchen. He came back with two Sprites (anD SpRiTe) and some snacks. He plopped down next to his boyfriend, and Yoongi put an arm around him.

The younger searched for a movie for the two to watch, while Holly and Mickey played with each other. They started to sniff one another, and Holly sniffed the other dog's butt.

"Your dog is weird," Hoseok laughed, "He sniffs Mickey's hiney all the time."

"Don't kink shame him," Yoongi said, poking his boyfriend, "The man knows what he wants."

"Man? He looks like fried chicken," Hoseok pointed out, poking his boyfriend back on his cheek.

"Ouch. You've hurt his feelings," Yoongi gasped, clutching his chest.

"He'll get over it," Hoseok grinned.

Yoongi grinned back before placing his lips against the other's. They kissed softly, holding each other in their arms, before Holly's barks broke them apart. The curly haired dog was trying to get Yoongi's attention.

"Hush, you piece of fried chicken," Hoseok muttered.

"Meanie," Yoongi pouted, poking the younger's cheek.

Yoongi lifted Holly up into his lap, and Mickey jumped up into Hoseok's. Holly wiggled into his owner's grasp, and wagged his tail as Yoongi stroked his fingers through his fur.

"Hey, um, I have a question for you," Hoseok spoke up.

"What is it, babe?" Yoongi asked, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Would you, uh, want to, um, move in with me? I know you live with your brother, but if he's okay with it, do you want to?" Hoseok asked shyly, "I mean, it's just that, you do work a lot, and if you moved in, we'd be able to see each other more."

"I'd love to baby. I'll talk to Taehyung about moving out," Yoongi smiled.



Hoseok grinned, leaning in to place his lips against his boyfriend's.

. . . .
lmao this was just an excuse to write about their dogs

also someone asked me what i look like and if i'll do a face reveal

number 1, probably not
number 2, i look like a mutt

i have pretty noticeable native american features, like high cheekbones, strong jaw, small eyes, heavy eyelids, i even have the toes. then my nose is italian. also, im a fucking ginger with snow white skin. so yeah, i look like a mutt.

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