No Dick, No Cuddles

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It was late at night, all the members except Yoongi and Hoseok were sleeping. Every other member was calm and peaceful, while Hoseok was slightly pissed. That was because Yoongi got up right in the middle of their make out session because he was suddenly struck with inspiration to finish something.

Okay, maybe slightly pissed was a bit of an understatement. Hoseok had been working his way to getting a good dicking down session, when his dumbass boyfriend decided that putting the last touches on a song couldn't wait until morning. So yeah, he was pissed.

Now the younger was left in their bed all alone and probably would be for the next twenty-ish minutes. As Hoseok sat there, wallowing in his saltiness and horniness, he eventually cut on their TV and started watching whatever random drama was on.

He ended up finishing the episode and watched the beginning of the next when he started to hear Yoongi's sluggish footsteps making their way (downtown) towards their room. The elder flung open the door, stumbled in, and closed it behind himself. He shuffled his feet across the room to the bed and fell face first onto the mattress with a huff.

"M'sorry baby," he groaned drowsily climbing up into the bed, "I didn't wanna risk forgetting my idea in the morning."

Hoseok shut off the TV and tossed the remote onto the bedside table. Yoongi laid down on his back and Hoseok laid on his side facing the elder and latched onto him. He tucked his face into the elder's neck while Yoongi snaked his arm around his waist.

Hoseok started to place light kisses on his skin before starting to nip and suck, leaving behind red marks. He grinded his front onto Yoongi's side and moved his hand along his chest to tweak at one of his nipples through his thin t-shirt.

"Mmm, Hoseok," Yoongi groaned, grabbing his hand, and pushing it away, "I'm really tired, baby."

"But, hyung," Hoseok whined, nipping along his jawline, slipping his hand out of the elder's grip, trailing it down towards the elder's dick.

Yoongi caught his hand quickly and brought it up to his lips and placed kisses on his knuckles, "Can't you just cuddle with me?"

"You left me horny as fuck for like half an hour, hyung," Hoseok did his signature pout and batted his eyelashes at his boyfriend, "I want that dick."

"Aww don't do the pout," Yoongi groaned running his thumb along the younger's pouty bottom lip, "I'll fuck you in the morning in the shower, okay? Just cuddle me for now," Yoongi pleaded.

Hoseok 'hmphed' and rolled onto his other side so his back was facing his boyfriend, "No dick, no cuddles."

"Jesus Christ," Yoongi huffed grabbing Hoseok by his waist, flipping him onto his back, "You're insufferable," he groaned slamming his lips onto the younger's.

Hoseok could only giggle in satisfaction, now that his boyfriend had finally caved in.

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