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Dark Times


"Ray you should come to church with me next Sunday" my mom said as she handed me a plate with my favorite food which was neckbones, gravy with rice, and cornbread.

Every time I come by her house she always throwing up church. I been stop going to church a long time ago, I feel like why go to church when I can watch it on tv.

"I'll think about it" I say as I began to eat. Once my mom fix her plate she sat in front of me saying a prayer before she ate.

It was only me and my mom, I never knew my father and didn't care either. I had a good childhood up until I got older, that's when everything turn out for the worst.

Now that I'm twenty-four years old I still have this hate in my heart. I wasn't the type to tell anyone my problems. I learn to deal with it and continue on with my life.

"Honey why don't you just stay here for the night".

"No thanks mom I gotta get home".

"When are you going to leave that man".

Glancing at my phone I could already tell it was time for me to leave. I got up from the table to empty my plate then putting it in the sink.

"Thanks for the food mom but I got to get going, see you later" I kiss her cheek walking out the front door before she tried to talk me into staying.

I had a good thing going for me at one point. I went to art school and end up becoming a tattoo artist since I knew how to draw and that was my passion.

All that went down the drain when I met Drako. I was so in love with him I drop everything for him since he said that he would take care of me.

Apparently that was a lie, the Drako I once fell in love with turn out to be this evil person that I wish I never met.

Pulling up to my house Drako friends was over which I hate when they be over here. They act like they can't go hangout somewhere else.

Getting out the car I walk in the house with smoke everywhere while they drank with the music playing loud.

Not saying nothing to them I went straight to the back closing the bedroom door to only see Drako coming in with his eyes bloodshot red.

"Where you been"? He ask snaking his arms around me.

"I stop by my mom place for a little bit".

"Oh well get yourself clean up and I'll be back in a few minutes" he kiss the side of my face then left out the room.

I start getting undress going into the bathroom to take my shower so I could get ready to deal with Drako.

I already knew what he wanted which was sex, it be times I don't feel like it but leave it to Drako he'll just take advantage of me.

Once the water was hot enough I got in letting the water hit my skin. By the time I got finish washing up, I grab my towel walking out the bathroom into the bedroom to already see Drako waiting for me.

I'm getting tired of this.



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