Chapter 6

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Harmony POV

I got in the door at four and place my bag in the room. When I came back down I seen Quan coming out the bathroom.

"Hey babe."I walked up to him and gave him a hug and kiss.
"How was your day?"I asked as we set on the couch.

"Pretty good."He paused. "I went to help my uncle and his wife move in...and I went to the trap and then to see my mom."I haven't seen her in a month. "How is she?"I asked. I felt him tense up. "I don't want to talk about it."I sighed. "You never want to talk. Talk to me please?"I sat up and turned towards him and grabbed his hand. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.

"The cancer it came back."I started to rub his hand. "I'm afraid this time she's gonna die and I-I can't lose her."He said as a few tears fell down. I took my thumbs and wiped his tears away. "We are not going to lose her. Okay."I hugged him."She's going to beat it, she's a fighter baby."He wrapped his arms around. "Thank you for talking to me."

"Guess what?"He said turning the channel on the tv. "Mhmm I don't know."I shrugged looking up at him."I got your new phone."

"Yay for real!"I said jumping on him."Yes."he laughed."Where is it?"I stood up. "It's upstairs come on."I followed him upstairs and to our room. He opened the closet door and got it from the top shelf. He pulled out an iphone 6 with a pink and black case. "Thanks..and try not to break this one."I joked. "And try not to play with me."He joked walking towards me. He looked from my eyes to my lips. Before I knew it our lips crashed together. I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled myself up on him. He walked us to the bed and fell back with me straddling him. I started grinding on him feeling him get hard. Right when things were a bout to get started his phone began to ring.

"Baby do you have to answer it."I whined."I might."He looked at his screen and his eyes got big."Yo what up Jordan? You just interrupted something."He said rubbing my butt. "I was just there what the fuck."He said sounding mad."Alright I'm on my way."He said moving me off of him.

"Where you going?"I asked pissed. "To the trap. Some dumbass just broke in my shit." He said grabbing his bag and car keys.

"Can I come?"I got up following him downstairs.

"No."He kissed me before opening the door."You never let me come."I whined. "Stop with all that shit....I'm coming back." He said before leaving the door. I watched as he walked to the car and drove away. Closing the door and locking it I went back up to our room.

Quantez POV

I drove down the road listening to No smoke by Young Boy. I turned onto the highway and started speeding. I don't know how these niggas let this shit happen to my trap. And this is the main trap.

I exited off the highway and made my way to the trap. When I got there, the windows was busted out and the door was broken.

"What the fuck?!"I said walking in.

"Man they in the basement. " Jordan said. "But before that you gotta see what they did to your office. They didn't steal anything tho."I nodded following him there. There were words sprayed on my wall.

"You a dumbass nigga. You should feel bad for what you do. That shit ain't right. You lucky that somebody want you a live because I would kill you now. Keep yo eyes open and hands to yourself lil nigga."

Imma get her ass. She went and did this shit and now got people running up in my shit. "Get the gun and put the silencer on it."I usually don't do my killings in here but they gotta die. Once we got in I walked to the first guy and shot him in the head. "Now who the fuck yall working for?"I asked. None of them spoke up so I shot another one. Then I just said fuck it and shot the last three. My phone began to ring and I answered it.

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