Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. School has been kicking my butt. Lol. Please excuse any errors.

Harmony POV

After getting from the party and putting Jamiya in the bed me and Daedae were just sitting on the couch watching TV.

"So tell me about you."I said looking at DaeDae. "Shit, I thought you would never ask."He laughed.

He rubbed his hands on his jeans before speaking. "Well..I live with my mom and my younger sister. I never really see my dad any more. He doesn't even deserve to be called a dad."He sighed. "Man look what you doing."He laughed. "You tryna make a nigga soft."

"Tell me something about you."

"Well I live with Quan."I rolled my eyes. "I I haven't seen my family in years because I'm with him...and I'm kinda hurt by them but its whatever."I shrugged.

"Damn that's fucked up. Sorry." He said trying to comfort me.
"I know but it's whatever."

My phone vibrated so I picked it up. It was a message from Quan.
"You know what sucks is that I have to carry his child."I said pissed texting him back before powering my phone off.

"You wanna go somewhere?"I asked getting up. "What you mean?"DaeDae asked. "I don't know I just need some air."I sighed. I ran upstairs and changed into some sweats and a hoodie. "Where you going?" Jamiya asked getting under the covers. "I'll be back."I ran back down the stairs and ended up bumping into DaeDae.

"You good?"He asked holding me up. "Yeah now lets go before Jamiya sees you."We walked out the door and into his car.

"You want something to eat?"He asked after we drove around for a good 15 minutes. "Yeah."We pulled into a burger king drive way. "I want a Jr whopper and a fry."I told him. After he ordered and got the food we left and went to a park.

"What time is it?"I asked as we sat at the picnic table. "Uh it's like 11 now."He said putting his phone back in his pocket.

"So you're basically just here by yourself."He said as we began to eat. I didn't know what he was talking about so I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?"I asked wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Back at the said you don't see your family any more because you're with Quan."He said. "Yeah but I have Jamiya here with me."I explained. I didn't really wanna talk about this right now.

"Does she know that he hits you?"He asked. "Nope. I just can't really tell anyone."I sighed. "You only know by accident."

"Why don't you just leave him?"He reached over putting his hand on mine. "It's not that easy as it seems."I wish everyone could understand that.

"I can't just leave him...because I'm carrying his baby..and he might lose his mom to cancer."I looked down at my phone which was cold since I had shut it down. "I need to be strong for us now."

I powered it back on and seen a whole bunch of text and missed calls from Quan.

"Shit."I threw away my trash. "I shouldn't have done this and shut my phone off."

"We have to hurry back before he shows up at her house."I said pulling DaeDae by the arm. We got in and he started the car before pulling off.

"You know if you need anything just call I'll be here."DaeDae said as we got towards the house. "Thanks."I smiled looking out the window. We pulled up to Jamiya's house. "See ya."I said before going in the house.

When I got in everything was the same. I locked the door and went upstairs to her room and hopped in the bed.

My phone started ringing and I seen that it was Quan calling.

"Hello."I said answering the call.

"What the hell wrong with you not answering my calls?"

I got up and went out the room so that I wouldn't wake Jamiya.
"Can you leave me the fuck alone Quantez."

"I'm really tired and I don't got time for your shit."I huffed.

"No I'm coming to get your ass because you out here partying and not answering your fucking phone."He said.

"No. You're not. I'm not coming with you!"

"Bitch you better be ready when I get there."He hung up the phone before I could reply. I just sat there and cried for a few minutes before sliding in some shows and putting my bags at the door.

After about 30 minutes of sitting downstairs I heard a knock on the door. "Open this door girl."I didn't want to but my body got up and opened the door.

"Lets go."he grabbed my stuff and took it to the car. "I said lets go."He came back walking towards me. "And I said I wasn't going with you."I rolled my eyes. "I would rather be with someone else right now."Thinking about DaeDae.

He grabbed me by my neck with his hands."Stop fucking playing with me and get in the fucking car."

After I was done catching my breath I locked the door and got into his car. "What about my car?"I asked as he pulled out of her drive way. "I'll send one of my niggas to come get it."

"Why do you do this shit?"He asked. "You always are making me mad which leads to me putting my hands on you..and I don't like doing that shit."I just rolled my eyes. Yeah, blame me.

"I'm starting to truly hate you."I said looking out the window. I'm trying my best to hold these tears back. "Where did we go wrong?"

"Stop saying you hate me."

But I do.

"You know you don't mean that."

I think I do.

"I told you I'm tryna get some help with my problems."He stated."Yeah you said this a lot before."I said tapping my nails on the window.

"But I am."he said.


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