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You think about it and decide that you wont throw your life away just like that.

After everything that has hapenned, you wont quit.

So you give Cara a firm nod and she a quick smile before you feel cold fill your chest.

"Stay quiet.." She whispers while the Hunter waits.

You nod yet again and then, you feel strange for a moment.

Then, you lose control of your limbs and body and you panic for a second before remembering Cara controls your body now.

The Hunter approaches and grabs you by the neck.

You can't feel it though, which you're thankful for.

It squeezes tighter and tighter until you feel your body die.

You feel your heart stop beating.

You feel your mind die.

Your feel your lungs stop pumping air.

But you dont die.

Then, you decide to look around and open your eyes.

You see the Hunter and your body on the floor.

The Hunter then exits the basement and you hear Cara's voice from next to you.

"Now you're just like me."

You smile then your gaze falls on the body of your friend.

You're not angry at them anymore.

You just pity them.

"We can save them you know.." Cara speaks again. You hum to indicate you heard her and think about it.

But then...you end up thinking about Cara instead.

She is really good, and pretty and clever.

You like that.

You like her.

Wait, wha-

"So?" She interrupts your alarming train of thought.

"Um..how can we save her?" You ask, trying to push away whatever thoughts rushed to your mind a second ago.

"Well, we need to pull their soul out and mend it."

You think about that too.

Yet again though, Cara occupies your mind.

That is fucking weird.

If you had feelings why the fuck are you figuring it out now?!

And and would Cara even feel the same?!

And can ghosts even be in relationships?!

Awh fuck this.

"Lets..lets try and revive them." You sigh, pointing your chin to your dead friend.

It would serve as a good distraction.

Cara nods and you both float over to their body.

"Now this is a two ghost job and it won't be easy so bear with me okay?"

"Alright." You nod determinedly.

Then Cara lowers her hands into your friend's chest and you follow her example.

Oddly enough, it feels so..empty.

You touch around for a soul and when you touch something cold and pulsating you flinch.

You look at Cara who seems to have found it from the other side.

You two carefully pull it out.

It's damaged.

You stare at the glowing soul before you snap out of it.

It has a long crack across it and some dust is falling out of it.

Cara seems alarmed and quickly lets the dust collect in her open palms.

You do the same.

"This is her personality, her hopes and dreams. Don't let it slip through your fingers." She speaks quietly and slowly pours it back in through the crack.

You do the same and stay silent.

Have you actually developed feelings for this girl?

May have....

Oh god fucking Lord!

"Now..we need to mend the crack." Cara explains, her beautiful voice snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Right, how do we do that?" You ask, staring intently at Cara.

"With a song." She simply says.

"Oh..which one?" You ask.

"Just..repeat after me." Cara says.

You nod and wait for Cara to start singing.

And boy when she did you nearly fainted.

Then you quickly scrambled to repeat after her, and soon you fell into pace.

"Oh sacred light come to my aid,
Help me save this poor soul,
Help me bring it back to life.

Oh sacred light enlighten me,
Grant me the power to help,
Grant me the power to heal.

Oh sacred light I pray to you.
I pray to you."

You finished your duet. You couldn't believe how beautiful Cara sang.

The crack in the soul was gone.

It worked!

You jumped to hug Cara and were suprised to find that ghosts can touch ghosts like humans do.

Then this overwhelming urge came over you. You couldn't stop it. You couldn't fight it.

You kissed Cara.

You fucking kissed her.

And if that wasn't amazing enough, she kissed back.

It felt surreal and so good. That warm fuzzy feeling spread through your veins and seeps into your bones while uncontrollable euphoria seizes your brain.

Then a groan breaks you two apart.

You look and see the ghost of your friend slowly hover out of her body.

"U-um hi..'' They speak timidly.

"Hello, I'm Cara." Cara greets, her cheeks a little pink from your previous...ahem...endevaour.

You still can't believe it. How the fuck does one develop feelings in a short time?

But you did, and really, that's all there is to it.

Your friend introduces themselves to Cara and you suggest you all leave this place.

You all agree, it's about time.

As your friend turns their back to float out, you feel gentle fingers slip between yours.

You look at Cara and smile, and she smiles too.

You float out of there holding hands.

You'll explain everything to your friend later.

Right now, you're so happy it's all over.

And that you got Cara.



You saved your friend and landed your crush.

I apologize to all straight girls out there or if I made anyone uncomfortable but since I am a lesbian, I wanted something to represent our LGBTQ+ community.

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