Harry Potter and the Twilighters

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Harry Potter and the Twilighters


"My Lord?" appealed Lucius Malfoy. He was incredibly nervous which was very understandable as Lord Voldemort was fuming. His latest plan to capture the boy had gone awry yet again. Anyone that came within a mile radius of him never lived to tell the tale.

"Lord V-Voldemort?" Lucius tried again. He was sweating uncontrollably. The news he was about to deliver was guaranteed to add insult to injury. He knelt down on the floor, his head bowed before his master. Voldemort always loved it when he was shown a bit of respect.

"What have I told you about calling me that?" bellowed Lord Voldemort. "Everyone calls me You-Know-Who or He Who Must Not Be Named and you will do well to remember it, Luciuss!"

"I'm sorry, my Lord. It merely...escaped my mind. I assure you it shall never happen again".

"What news have you brought me, Lucius?" queried the slit eyed villain, not bothering to look at his subject. Lucius opened his mouth but stopped as suddenly as he'd begun. Something had moved past him. Something...thick and oddly familiar. The pale blonde man recoiled swiftly in shock and disgust. "Ahh Nagini", Voldemort whispered somewhat lovingly as the great huge snake slid past Malfoy and onto her master's shoulders, hissing loudly all the while. "Speak swiftly Lucius. Nagini tells me she is hungry and has taken quite a...shine to you".

Lucius cleared his throat loudly and began shakily, "M-My Lord, there have been some d-developments. It concerns Cedric Diggory, sir".


"C-Cedric Diggory. The boy you...killed in the graveyard, the night you came back".

"Ahhh...I remember now", replied Voldemort, quiet venom in his voice. "The night Potter escaped. Again".

"Yes, my lord. Err...about Diggory. The boy is still alive m-my lord".

"I beg your pardon?"

"The boy is-"

"Yes, I heard you!" Lord Voldemort cut across angrily. "That simply cannot be possible. The only person to ever survive the killing curse is Potter. Something that I'm working very hard to rectify".

"My lord, Diggory still lives. We have proof. He resides in Forks".


"Forks, my Lord".

"Is that a place?"

"Yes, my lord. It is a little town...in America".


"Yes sir. A country in-"

"I know where America is!" snapped Voldemort.

"I apologise, my lord".

Voldemort began prowling the dark, empty room, muttering quietly to himself. Nagini, unsettled by her master's sudden movement, hissed with discomfort. "This can't be happening!" Voldemort burst out. "Think what would happen if the media found out about this. My reputation that I've so hard to uphold will be thrown to the dirt. Tarnished overnight! No one will be scared of me anymore. First Potter and now Diggory? It will sure to become The Two Boys Who Lived". Addressing Lucius, he spat, "Gather all my Death Eaters, Lucius. We shall make a little trip to...Forks in the morning".

"Yes, my lord", replied Lucius. "Err, one more thing, sir"

"Yes Lucius?" Voldemort's voice dripped with impatience.

"My lord, Cedric Diggory has assumed a new identity. He's now changed his name to Edward Cullen and he...he is now a V-Vampire".

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