Part Two- HP & Twilighters

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Chapter Two

"Rosalie, do you have any idea where Bella is?" Alice asked, walking down the stairs. Outside, Emmett gave a shout of victory. He was arm wrestling with Jasper and already they had managed to break three tables.  

"I think she went hunting with Edward", Rosalie answered absently. She was watching Renesmee with loving eyes. The girl was two years old but looked about five. From Emmett, Renesmee was the only other person Rosalie loved more than herself in the world. Life would have been even better if she had been Nessie's mother...

A resounding knock on the door awoke Rosalie from her thoughts. "That could be Bella and Edward", she said.  

"No, it can't be", replied Alice, a look of confusion on her face. "They never knock. I'll go see who it is", she added as she walked towards the door. She opened it and looked out at three, teenagers. The boy in the middle looked tired and deprived of sleep. To his right stood a gangly, red-haired and to his left was an average looking girl with bushy hair. Oh, what Alice wouldn't give to straighten that hair!  

"Can I help you?" Alice asked when it was clear that none of them was going to talk. The boys just stared at her in awe. She knew that kind of look. It was a look that strangers gave her, mesmerised by her pale skin and killer looks. Alice laughed inwardly. Wait 'til they see Rosalie.  

The girl nudged her friend as she whispered, "Harry, will you stop staring! We didn't travel all this way for you to stare at some random girl, for Chrissake!" Alice stifled a giggle. She was beginning to like the girl; she seemed bossy and utterly in control. Her friend shook his head as if waking up from a trance. "I'm sorry; I just got...carried away". Alice was highly aware that the red-haired guy was still staring.  

"Err...I was wondering if Cedric Diggory is here?" asked Harry.  

Alice's face was blank. "I'm sorry I don't know who you're talking about", Alice said politely. "Maybe you've got the wrong address". She was about to close the door when the girl shrieked, "Wait! Just give us a minute". To Harry, she turned and said, "Harry, what was his other name? The one you told us he changed to!" she shouted frustratingly when Harry looked like he had no idea what she was talking about.  

"Oh... Edward Cullen!" he turned to Alice who had been waiting patiently by the door. "Does Edward Cullen live here?" A look of surprise crossed Alice's face but disappeared as quickly as it had come. She looked at them suspiciously.  

"Who are you?" she asked.  

"I'm Harry Potter", Harry answered. "And this is-"  

"Never heard of you".  

"You don't know me? But...everyone knows me; I am the chosen one after all!"  

"Harry", Hermione said, nudging him even harder. "You're getting too cocky nowadays".  

"Ouch! Hermione stop poking me. Your elbows are quite sharp!"  

"Carlisle", Alice called, not looking away from Harry and his friends. Carlisle was there in an instant, making Ron jump. "Whoa...where did you come from? She only called a second ago".  

"Welcome back, Ron", Hermione said acidly. "We thought you'd never stop staring". Ron turned a deep shade of red.  

"We have a problem, Carlisle", Alice said. "These people want Edward but they said Cedric first...I mean, how do they know about Cedric?"  

"Wait", interjected Harry. "So you knew about Cedric and when I asked you pretended you didn't?"  

Alice ignored him. To Carlisle, she said, "What do we do about them? They know Edward's secret. They could be anyone".  

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