Part One- HP & Twilighters

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Chapter One

"Harry!" Ron squealed, shaking his friend fiercely. "Wake up, Harry!"  

"Ouch...gerroffme", Harry mumbled, sleepily. He was sweating profusely, his forehead and shirt drenched completely in sweat. However, he was unaware of this. There was a searing pain on his forehead; something that occasionally happened when Lord Voldemort was nearby or when he'd seen into his mind and felt his emotions. "Ouch!" he said again, this time completely wide awake. His right hand shot up to his lightening shaped scar on his forehead. An everlasting scar that served as a constant reminder of that fateful night when his parents had been murdered mercilessly by Voldemort. The night he'd survived the killing curse. The night he became an orphan.

"Is everything alright, mate?" Ron asked. "You look a little dazed". Harry didn't answer so Ron continued. "It happened again, didn't it? Your scar?"  

Again, Harry didn't answer. He was trying to remember something significant. He'd heard Voldemort and felt his anger but the reason as to what had caused that anger was a total mystery. The pain that had shot through his scar was gradually receding, making it clearer to think. He'd heard something about...someone he vaguely remembered. Just then the door swung open, revealing a mess of bushy brown hair and a long anxious face.  

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed, pulling his duvet closer to and around him. "You really should learn how to knock!"  

"Oh come off it Ron", Hermione sighed, half amused. "You're fully dressed; you have absolutely nothing to hide".  

"Yeah, but-"  

"Anyway", Hermione interjected loudly. "I heard yelling so I came to see what the commotion was all about. Are you alright Harry? You look really...bad.  

"His scar's playing up again", Ron said when it was clear that Harry wouldn't speak. "I reckon he's seen You-Know-Who again".  

"WHAT?" Hermione practically jumped up and went over to Harry. "Harry you cant be seeing into Voldemort's mind again! It's really dangerous. You were supposed to be fighting it. Blocking your mind against his!" she accused.  

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT, HERMIONE?!" Harry suddenly shouted, making Hermione jump again in shock. "You think everything is easy, don't you? Well try having Voldemort in your head everyday and we'll see how you cope with it!" Hermione's eyes were wet with unshed tears.  

"Mate, calm down", said Ron quietly. Harry had also succeeded in shocking him into silence with his sudden outburst. "We weren't trying to accuse you; we're just trying to help you".  

"Yeah, well I don't need your help", replied Harry angrily. "Lots of people have tried helping me in the past and look where they've ended up. My parents, Sirius, Dumbledore...all dead, courtesy of Lord Voldemort."  

"Harry, we don't blame you for those deaths!" whispered Hermione. Harry could see that her tears were flowing freely now. Her face was completely wet.  

"I'm sorry, I wasn't accusing you", her voice shook as she spoke. "I can only imagine what you're going through. So tell us what you saw when you...when you looked into his mind".  

Harry became calm. It was the tears that did it. He hated himself for making her cry but he had to tell them what he saw. Or rather what he remembered. "I saw Lucius Malfoy and You-Know-Who". He was really angry about..." Harry paused. There was something important he was trying to remember...Aha! "Cedric Diggory!" Harry said triumphantly. "Cedric Diggory, he's still alive". Ron and Hermione's faces were blank. Not quite the reaction he was expecting. Actually, he was wrong. Their faces weren't blank. Ron was scratching his hair, looking everywhere but at Harry. Hermione... well, the pure look of pity mingled with concern showed on her face.  

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?" Harry asked quietly.  

"No, Harry. It's just...Cedric Diggory has been dead for almost three years"  

"I know that Hermione. I was there!" Harry had to work hard to keep his anger in check but Hermione certainly wasn't making it easy for him.  

"Cedric is still alive", he repeated firmly. "He lives somewhere in..." Harry had to rack his brains. Where was it? "Forks!" Harry said aloud.  

"Forks? Never heard of the place before, mate", Ron said.  

"It's in America", said Harry and Hermione in unison.  

"I've already decided. I'm going there", continued Harry.  

"What? Harry you can't go. We haven't talked about it yet".  

Harry was tired. "Hermione, there's nothing to talk about. Cedric is alive and in danger. It was my fault he almost died before but this time I'm going to save him".  

"But Harry, what if it's a trap. You know what happened the last time. Voldemort tricked you into meeting him...which led to Sirius' death".  

Harry remembered only too well. The pain of losing his godfather, the closest thing in the world he had to a family, never ceased to hurt him everyday.  

"You know what Hermione? You can stay, I'll go alone. You can stay too, Ron", he added. He didn't want to feel responsible for them anyway.  

"Harry, she never said she wasn't going; did you Hermione?"  

"No, I just...Harry we need to plan this properly. For starters, how are we going to get there?"  

"We apparate, of course", Ron said confidently.  

"Ron, you cannot apparate overseas. I've only said it a million times!" said Hermione, exasperated. Harry sat back on his bed. He hadn't even thought of how to get there.  

"I have a plan", said Hermione.  

"We're all ears", said Ron.  

"OK. So there's a slight chance You-Know-Who might get there before us so Harry, I think we should send your owl to warn Cedric about them".  

"Alright...there's more right?" asked Harry.  

"Yes. After your owl's gone, we pack our things and head for the airport, where we board a plane".  

"Forgive me for asking but, what exactly is a plane?" Ron asked.  

"You don't know a plane is?" asked Harry incredulously.  

"No offence mate but I'm not exactly educated in muggles and their toys".  

"Ron, a plane is just an aircraft that carries you from one place to another. Travels through air".  

"Oh, right", said Ron who looked like he didn't understand what Harry had just said.  

Harry turned to Hermione, "Hermione, your plan's really good. But you're forgetting one thing. I've never been overseas and I don't have a passport. Neither does Ron.  

"Oh...I forgot about that", muttered Hermione, thinking furiously. " two could follow me to the airport and before we board the plane you two could hide underneath the invisibility cloak so it looks like I'm travelling alone.  

"Great plan, Hermione! You're a genius", congratulated Ron. Hermione beamed.  

"Yeah. Well done, Hermione. Don't know what we'd do without you. Now I'll just get Hedwig (his owl) and send her on her way.  

"I just hope all this is not in vain", said Hermione.  

"It's not going to be in vain", insisted Harry as he took Hedwig out of her cage. "I have a good feeling about this. We go to Forks and find Cedric. We inform him about Voldemort and together we help defeat Voldemort and his little minions". At least that was what Harry thought. He definitely sounded braver than he felt. It sure wasn't going to be that easy.

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