Part Four- HP & Twilighters

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Alright guys, sorry for the late upload. Was seriously losing interest but hopefully, that doesn't reflect on this.  


Chapter Four- HP & Twilighters

There was a momentary silence in which Harry tried to gather his thoughts. Was this some kind of vampire joke? If it was, it wasn't funny. It was pretty sick.  

From the look of seriousness on Jasper's face, he decided it wasn't.

Harry struggled to keep his voice from rising. "You did WHAT? You ATE my owl? You killed Hedwig?"

"I'm sorry", Jasper spoke, his face completely devoid of emotion which led Harry to believe that he wasn't at all sorry. "I was really hungry and I couldn't help it. It's hard enough not being able to eat humans and your owl looked...appetizing".

Harry blindly reached for his wand. "I'm gonna kill you, you filthy...bloodsucking...demon!" He was having great trouble getting his wand from his pocket.  

"You can't kill me, I'm already dead! And your powers can do nothing against us. We're vampires and you're just...wizards."  

"Well, we can burn you! We have a spell for that, you know," Hermione shrieked furiously, getting up to join Harry.  

"Go Hermione!" Ron praised, making her blush. It was three wizards against seven vampires. Edward looked like he didn't particularly want to be there; Emmett and Jasper were crouched low, ready to spring at the first sign of danger. Rosalie, who was supposed to be watching over Renesmee had come to join in the fight.

Harry had finally managed to get his wand from his pocket and shouted, "Expalliarmus!" There was an amused silence. Nothing had happened; Harry was left feeling frustrated and very red-faced.

"That the best you can do?" taunted Emmett, baring his teeth in laughter. Ron noticed surprisingly that he didn't have any fangs.  

"Hermione, we can't be sure these people are real vampires. I mean, first they sparkle and now no sharp teeth? C'mon, it is a little disappointing!"  

Hermione ignored him and turned to Harry. "Use 'incendio', the fire spell," she advised.  

"Oh, right," Harry answered, trying to regain some dignity. He angrily pointed his wand at Jasper. "Incend-"

He was cut off sharply by a sudden burden on his back. Harry was completely taken by surprise. It wasn't that Alice was heavy- she was surprisingly light- it was the fact that she had her teeth at Harry's throat.  

"A-Alice," Hermione stuttered. "What are you doing?"  

"Sorry Hermione, but I can't let him hurt Jasper."  

"Alice," Carlisle said patiently. "Let go of Harry. We are all sensible adults, I'm sure we can talk about this."  

Alice was surprisingly stubborn. "I'll let him go if he drops his wand."  

Harry did as he was asked. He was tired anyway and he needed some food. Sure he felt sad over what had happened to his dear owl but, well, it wasn't worth being dinner to a bunch of bloodthirsty vampires. He felt Alice get off him and bent down to pick up his wand, but stopped when he felt everyone's eyes on him. "Relax," he said in amusement as he picked up his wand and stuffed it into his pocket. The vampires in the room became less wary.

"Sorry about your owl too, Harry," Alice said quietly. "If it makes you feel any better, he almost attacked Bella. Jasper...has diet problems." Ron snorted, absent-mindedly, twirling his wand.

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