Thin Air

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"Heyo Jeon Jungkookie!~" Jimin sung from the other side of the plane, with his hands waving into the air.

Taehyung had been bopping his head in his seat as he listened to music from his phone, scrolling through his twitter account. He wet his dry lips with his tongue and raised his view.

"Yeah?" Jungkook asks while approaching himself.

"Ah, Jungkook! You came, thank you!"

"What's it you need?"

"Look at what I've got here! Isn't it beautiful?" Jimin held something in his hand.

"A lighter? Wait--how,'d you even get that?!" Jungkook stuttered. "Don't play around with it, please. Please give it to me!" One hand fell to his chest while the other extended.

"Okay maaan, chill! I'll give it to you." Jimin handed over the lighter full of fluid to him, after seeing one spark of flame that burned in his hand, making his eyes sparkle. "No sweat, see? All good."

"Didn't I tell you not to bring that in the first place?" Jin prompts in, arms crossed against his chest.

"But it gives me inspiration!" Jimin cries.

"Yeah, until the airplane burns down and we all die," Suga retorts.

Namjoon shook his head. "That wasn't funny Jimin."

"I wasn't trying to be funny? It's just a flame and geez, I wasn't going to drop the lighter and burn up the plane. I'm not that stupid."

"Heh, that. Sure you aren't..."

"Shut up Suga!"

Hoseok sighs, now shuffling his feet awkwardly in his chair. He looked down and frowned, twiddling his fingers while playing with his silvery chain.

Taehyung glares towards Jimin, those lovely brown eyes of his studying his surroundings, being interrupted from his music, with a blunt expression to his face. He scratched the back of his neck as a reaction, keeping out his earbuds from his ears. He continued to scroll through his feed upon his phone.

Jungkook had a sigh of relief when he entered the bathroom, studying his face. He'd been pale, dark circles outlining underneath his eyes. 'Ugh, I have to keep a better eye on him...if he would've dropped the-'

His thoughts were haulted by a rumble of thunder which shook the plane. He ducked down towards the faucet and washed his face with water. His hand follows his jawline as he studied a motionless Jungkook in the mirror, almost lifeless.

It had been around midnight as his eyes started to tear because of lacking his sleep just to watch and take care of the passengers. It had been a difficult task.

It was time for the last servings of food for the night. Gathering fresh fruits, he sent them on top of a platter plate, toothpics in each slice of fruit. It ranged from tropical, pineapples, mangos, oranges, to apples, bananas, kiwis and watermellon slices. Along with the trays of fruits, there were hambugers, hot dogs, beans, and a whole variety of dipping sauces.

'There. That should be it.' He rolls the squeaky cart into the isle. One passenger had been reading a news magazine that said on the heading "Enjoy a Vacation in a Tropical Paradise." The passenger flipped through the pages, perhaps bored of reading such nonsense about beauty products which takes up most of the magazine for advertising purposes. Jungkook didn't blame that guy because he knew he'd do the same.

"Sir, anything to eat or drink?"

The man cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses to look up at him. "No. I'm fine. Thanks."

"Of course!" Jungkook sung, trying to lead his tiredness away from his emotions as best he could.

He passes by to a small boy, around the age of six. "Why hello. Are you hungry or thirsty? Would you like anything?" He questions in a calming tone.

The small boy fixed his hood with both hands shyly. "Uh...y-yes please sir." He twitched and turned in his seat uncomfortably as he watches Jungkook pour him a glass of milk.

"Are you a pilot?" The boy's voice had a British accent, almost barely audible because of such commotion of the passengers on board.

Jungkook kindly laughed. "Unfortunately I'm not but I wish I were one. Here drink this." He handed over the glass half full of skim milk.

The boy hesitated before taking a grip on, then drinks simultaneously, until he'd reached the end of the glass.

Jungkook widened his eyes in amazement. Perhaps the boy needed more to drink. "So why are you traveling if you don't mind me asking?" He took his emptied glass, pouring the milk and giving it back.

The boy glanced to the floor. "Well sir, my family and I are going to visit my grandparents from Greece. This is only a one way trip too...I kinda miss it, my home country."

"Leaving a home country is hard I know. But it'll be alright okay?"

"Yeah...I suppose so," the boy replied.

"Hey, cheer up." Jungkook prepared a fruits dish for the boy, whom showed a gentle smile as he pleased. Jungkook gave him a noogie, ruffling the dark hair beneath his hood after he handed the plate of food over to him.

"I assure you that everything will be fine and that you'll be safe this trip. I promise you."

"That is gladly appreciated. Thank you for being so ever kindly sir." The boy squinted his eyes as he stretched a mouth into a smile. "I'll take your words for it, but only yours sir."

"Please, call me Jungkook." Jungkook nodded his head, giving a napkin to the boy and then rolling the cart back into the kitchen. Work was finally complete this night.

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