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Jungkook yawned. He kept awake the whole night serving the passengers and their needs. It was a continuous flight, same passengers as the other day.

"Heeeey! Gimme that back!" Jimin growls while trying to grasp his hat from Suga's hands.

"Pssf," Suga stifled a laugh. "I need your hat because my hair looks like shit. Look at it!"

"You should've brought your own then~"

"Did it look like I even had the fucking time to?! I was rushing and I forgot to grab it, okaaay? Geez I am a damn human. Not a camel."

"Guys stop that." Namjoon's dark eyes glared at them two as Suga fell silent, Jimin still mumbling something as he slanted his eyes, looking out the side window.

Taehyung held his phone up on camera, taking a selfie of himself.

Taehyung held his phone up on camera, taking a selfie of himself

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Suga looks to his view. "Why the hell do you need to take so many selcas of yourself? Don't you have a better life than doing that all the time?"

"Well, then what else is there to do besides sleeping in a plane?" Taehyung responds.

"..." Suga shook his head.

"Fine then. I'll sing. We are bulletproof, we are, we are bulletproof~ Or about this one?...Cypher, cypher!"

"Shut up!" Suga sneered. "You can't rap for shit."

Hoseok gasped, "Hey be nice!"

"Fine. Please shut up so that I don't have to hear your voice." Suga had still been tired, even having over six hours of sleep.

Jungkook attended the isle. "Care for something to eat or drink?"

"Yes skim milk please."

"Ham sandwich!"

"Could I have some apple juice please?"

(--Jimin's Pov--)

Geez, can Suga even cool down a bit? He's been breathing on my neck lately. Well, everybody's neck since the start of the trip. What's wrong with him? He usually isn't acting like this. Yeah, I'm sure he's tired but I can tell you one thing--I'm not in the mood to even place an eye on him.

Ugh why does everything have to be so difficult with him? I'm so sick and tired of him right now...
(End of Pov)

"Here you are!" Jungkook chanted happily as to serving his last passenger. He sights the group he met the other day, nearing them. "Care for anything gentlemen?"

"Heh," Jimin grunts with arms crossed against his chest. "I'm fine."

"Namjoon is it?" He asks, eyes upon that blonde hair that flew flawlessly.

"Mhmm!" He smiles while nodding

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"Mhmm!" He smiles while nodding. "May I have a drink of water?"

"Didn't want Jimin's dirty water?" Hoseok joked, which made taehyung burst out laughing.

"Hey maaan, I didn't mean to!" Jimin shouted aimlessly.

Jungkook handed Namjoon a bottle of clear water when glancing back at Jimin, then raised his view back to Hoseok, whom spoke, "How much longer on the flight?"

"About eight and a half more hours from now. Are you enjoying the trip so far?"

Hoseok explained, "About as much fun as you can have on a plane? I'd say none. Although, I do love the view. It's beautiful down there!!"

"Yeah!" Taehyung joined.

"Heh, right?" Jungkook squints his eyes happily. "Agreed!"

For the past few hours, Jungkook kept his pace--running back and forth with foods and drinks, completing every order.

But somehow he sensed something...different that he's never felt before. An uneasy feeling placed weight on his shoulders. What was he in for? And much little did he actually know...

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