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Christmas; the lights fuzzy against my skin, rich mulled wine clinging to the icy December air like a disease.

For a moment I think I'm losing myself in the drunken atmosphere, pores absorbing the neon and flashes of silver against the wind, inhaling the curious concoctions of scented candles and cologne, but it only lasts for a moment.

The once warm and laidback feeling in my chest drifts away quickly and turns bitter and constricted as I watch her; pale skin ignited by the colours in the sky, ends of her golden hair on fire. She's beautiful. Limbs carefree, eyes smiling.

She runs up to him. Lipstick smudged across his face, fingers smudged against her arms.

I turn away.

"What a wonderful surprise!" She cries warmly, presumably throwing herself at him. "You should have told me you'd be here! Penny and I are out for our annual Christmas meal."

Oh God. Please no, please no- "You should join!"

I turn back round and replace my frown with the fakest smile I can conjure up. "Right Penny?" Zara doesn't give me time to reply, only wraps her whole body around Liam and mumbles against his jacket, "Go ahead and tell the restaurant to change our table from a two to a three." She sees me hesitate. "Go on!"

Fucking hell Penny get your shit together. Just one meal. One meal.

I move towards the restaurant, ignoring his stare on my back, and quickly dodge the crowds, the children, the pickpockets. The quicker this meal is over, the better.

The waiter doesn't seem fussed about the last minute change and all of a sudden I'm embarrased. I'm going to be the third wheel all night.

I wish that was an unknown feeling...

I sit down at our table; the cutlery freshly polished and the table cloths ironed. It's a posh place. An expensive place. I wouldn't be able to afford it normally but Zara insists on paying for our annual Christmas meal. In all honesty, she'd be a pretty appalling boss if she didn't.

"Penny, my favourite PA! What would you like to drink; it's on me." Favourite PA? Wow. Someone's been on the pre-drinks...

"Gin and tonic then thanks." I smile weakly up at my breathtakingly stunning boss.

"I'm guessing you'll have a beer?" She nods towards Liam, opening her diamond-studded purse in preparation.

"Course." Is all that leaves the Mancunian's mouth as he sits on the chair opposite which seems a little odd to me. He should be sat opposite Zara; it is basic dating etiquette.

Tearing off his knackered jacket, he smirks at me. "Bet you didn't expect this."

"Well something tells me you didn't plan it."

"What makes you think that?"

I lean back in my chair. "Why would you deliberately plan to run into your partner-" he stiffens at the 'p' word, "and her PA. A PA you don't like."

"I never said I didn't like you. We don't get on. There's a difference." He argues, not even giving eye contact.

"It doesn't matter what you say Gallagher. Whether you like it or not, I have to sit here opposite you and smile when you talk, laugh at your crappy jokes and seem interested in what you're saying. You're dating my boss." Again, his body stiffens up.

"What else do you fake?" My body goes tense at the innuendo. Liam sniggers when he sees my reaction. "Or has it been that long?"

"Would you mind if we didn't discuss my sex life? It's none of your business." I mutter, swirling the tip of my finger around the rim of the glass opposite nervously.

Telltale ~ Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now