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Things moved quickly after Prague. I felt low for the first few days. Almost as though I was a ghost; floating around without any oxygen, all limp and lifeless. And then I began to pick up a bit. Liam explained his late night escapades which weren't really escapades at all. A fan lobbed a huge bottle of vodka at the stage, exploding all over Liam. Glass and all. He was alright aside from the three slim stitches he had to get above his left eyebrow. He said he felt like a 'proper legend'. I felt awful for not trusting him, but you can hardly blame me. Liam hasn't behaved like a saint for the last few years, in fact, it's been quite the opposite.

I don't want to deceive you though. It's not like we are madly in love and super in tune with one another, and now everything is fine with us because Liam 'just knew' how I was feeling and put my mind at rest. No. I got super drunk one night and spilt the beans. I told him exactly how I felt about him, his ex, and our relationship. That's when I began to pick up.

Liam is a man who appreciates honesty and straightforward talk. No muss no fuss. He got it, occasionally nodded along and chuckled in the right places, but didn't seem to be totally gutted that I thought he was a womanising arsehole most of the time.

It was only on the plane back from Prague that I noticed a significant shift in his behaviour. He held my hand in the airport, introduced me to the couple of paps which were waiting at the entrance as 'Miss Penny' (which made my lungs feel as though they had been wrapped in a million rubber bands), and he even let me fall asleep on his shoulder on the plane. At least he thought I was asleep, I was actually just trying to trick him into snuggling with me.

I'm off the crutches too and my vile cast is off. Don't get me wrong, the pain is still awful, like having period cramps in your leg, but at least I can go back to work. And no, not my waitressing job, my actual job. Being a PA. Not for Zara (my old boss and Liam's fake girlfriend) but for a new boss. Her name is Tiffany and she's a television presenter. Just starting out; I'm done with all that 'I'm super famous so can act like a total arsehole' thing. And no I'm not talking about Liam, I'm talking about Zara...

Liam got me the gig. He sent my CV to the agency and they set me up with Tiff soon after. And the best part? She's paying me double. Double. Ironic considering she is probably not even earning half of what Zara does annually. Wealthy people are always the least generous. So soon I'll be waving goodbye to my grotty little flat and hopefully be able to put a deposit down on somewhere far nicer.

Right now I'm sat in the pub round the corner, wearing a blue and white scarf around my neck whilst Liam gets the next round in. He dragged me here to watch the match. I haven't been able to tell him that a) I'm really not into football at all. There's hardly any skill involved! And the blokes act like such muppets. And b) If I was into football, I wouldn't support Manchester City even if you paid me to. No offence to any Man C fans out there.

"Did you see that? What a belter of a shot." Liam points at the fuzzy television which hangs on the wall ahead of the pool table. He hands me a pint of cider and sits down next to me, tugging a little at the scarf around my neck. "Can hardly believed it missed to be honest with you."

I nod in agreement when internally, I am very confused. I take a sip of my cool cider and relax into my chair.

"Just as long as this match doesn't go to penalties, we'll be okay."

I nod again.



"You're really not into this are you."

I find myself laughing, "I may not be into this. But I certainly am into you."

Liam chuckles and puts an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his neck. And for the first time in a long time, I feel truly content.

A/N: I kind of feel like this book has reached its natural end? These guys have had a roller coaster of a ride, and maybe that ride is now over in book form... Also I've got tonnes of other things I want to write but just didn't want to leave this one open ended because a) that's not fair on all you lovely people and b) it would drive me insane!!! I might come back to it once in a while to do 'updates' but other than that I feel Penny and Liam are content with each other and now have to live the rest of their lives!! I hope this book has served you well, and thank you for your continued support.

Sam xx

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