APRIL 2001

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Twirling the metal spoon around my steaming mug of coffee (a cappuccino with one sugar to be exact) I flip over the page of my book. House-sitting for Zara has been anything but relaxing; the deliveries at all hours, fans coming to the door and dog shit all over the carpet are just a few of the regular occurrences I am having to factor into my life.

And now, at three o'clock on a humid Wednesday afternoon, I am sat in my favourite café on the highstreet with a new novel I stole from Zara's vast book collection.

The coffee burns the tip of my tongue as I put the warm china to my lips. It's one of those pains that doesn't seem to bother me much. The caffeine is worth it.

"Mind if I sit here?"

I look up from the yellowed pages of my novel to see a sharply dressed bloke standing infront of me.

I look around the café and count the number of empty seats and tables. Enough.

"I'd rather be on my own thanks." A few years ago I might have even apologised but now, with age, I have realised that I don't need to apologise for everything.

He ignores me and sits down anyway, leaving me sending glares in his direction. "I just said no mate."


I get up from my seat and pull the coat from off the back of my chair, muttering "Fucking wanker," under my breath as I do so.

As if he's totally deaf, he follows me to my new table and sits down after I do. "Can you please just leave me alone-"

"You heard mate." A gruffer voice speaks beside me, a subtle hint of outrage beneath the cigarette muffled tone. "Stop botherin' her."

The twat in the suit can hardly believe his eyes, pushing back sharply on his chair causing a disgusting screech to sound throughout the café. His eyes have gone all huge as he struggles to get his words out, "You're... but you're... is anyone else seeing this?! It's only Liam Ga-"

Staying silent, Liam hands the man his coat, "The door is over there."


"I didn't need you to step in." I mutter as we walk along the leaf littered pavement. "I was handling it just fine on my own."

"I know." Liam shrugs, pushing the button at the crossing and shoving his hands in his pockets whilst we wait for the lights to go red. "I was worried you would create a scene."

Out of the corner of my eye I can see a sly grin forming on his face which makes me hate him even more but also like him a little more if that makes sense...

"Spoken to Zara recently?" At the mention of her name his neck stiffens, but luckily for him, the red man turns green and we cross the road in a matter of seconds. By the time we are at the other side he's changed the conversation.

"Does that happen a lot?"


"Random blokes botherin' you."

I chuckle slightly and shake my head, "That was pretty minor; it's worse when they follow you home."

He seems taken aback by this as he eyes go all wide and he furrows his brow - a sign he is concentrating. "Bit weird that."

I hum in response, leaving a slight silence after it which I end with an offer. "Seeing as you never quite got your coffee, would you like to come in for one?"

He laughs outloud which pisses me off a little. "You're seriously invitin' me in?"

"I'm inviting you into Zara's home."

"Oh do forgive me. I hadn't realised that that means two separate things." He speaks in his posh accent which makes my skin crawl but also manages to cause a tiny laugh to force it's way out from my mouth.

I knock into his arm, "Piss off Gallagher."

"And yes a coffee seems great. Black though. One sugar."

"Sounds horrible."

"Each to their own." He shrugs, getting out his key to Zara's flat. Did I know he had a key? No. Do I mind? Not too sure, but anyway, he's opened the door for me and immediately puts the kettle on.

"No parties then?"


"Since she's been away? Haven't had a party or anythin'..."

I flop down onto the sofa and let Liam make the drinks - which wasn't part of the original agreement - and peel off my shoes.

"I'm not really into parties."

"Why am I not surprised?" He teases from the kitchen and I'm only just able to hear his voice over the sound of the kettle boiling.

"A cup of tea please."

Liam grumbles, "I just started makin' coffee!"

"Don't care." I shrug, pulling one of the magazines from the coffee table onto my knees.

He curses lightheardetly under his breath which makes me feel like I've won.

In silence he places the mug down next to me and squeezes himself between the end of the sofa and my feet. I don't move up.

"What do you want to watch?" He mumbles placidly, flicking through the channels on the television.

"Nothing shite."

He throws the gadget down in frustration. "Do you ever give straightforward answers?"


I can sense that his temper about to flare up so I give up. "Nothing food related. I'm starving."

"There's a simple cure for that," he begins, pulling his frame off of the sofa and towards the kitchen. "Takeaway."

But before he can open the cupboard door to reveal numerous takeaway menus pinned to the wood, there's an almighty crash and a sickening crack as Liam shouts out in pain.


I can smell the gas from a mile off. Part of me isn't surprised as they wheel the stretcher out from our house which reeks of sweat and that methane stuff in the taps in the science block at school.

They won't let me in; a million hands pushing me back from the door which is crammed full of people in funny plastic suits. I try to argue but it's as if someone has ripped out my voicebox. My mouth won't move.

The ambulance seems entirely pointless. The socialworker at my side only causes more tears to sting my eyes. I feel empty.

"She'll be alright love," the woman takes my hand. Her face is covered in bright makeup and arms smothered in colourful bracelets almost to make the straight black suit she is wearing seem less scary. "The doctors will take good care of her,"

I lunge myself out of the woman's arms and down the rickety pavement to our front door but she only intercepts me and cradles my frame in her arms because she knows I'm not stupid, she knows I can predict what happens next.

Let's just say, me and mum won't be together for a long time yet.

Telltale ~ Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now