MAY 2001

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I sit across from them on the table.

Liam with his arm slung around her shoulders.

Her hand on his thigh.

"And what would you say is the purpose of this new project Miss Macintosh?"

Zara clears her through and leans forward, placing her perfectly manicured hands on the table top. "All we want is to provide all children in the UK with the opportunity to explore music." She flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder. "Music really can change lives." Her eyes flicker over towards Liam who definitely notices the gesture.

The journalist pauses to sip some water and continues prising information out of the pair of them. I can't watch.

"What's she's doing is admirable," Liam begins, "Zara is fantastic. She is givin' up so much for this cause." He forcibly kisses her cheek.

Now I know this is all a lie, fake, nothing but publicity for this charity, I feel a bit sick. I should've have bloody known what with them both being ambassadors and all. I feel so cheated. So stupid!

"How do you think the pair of you as a couple can make a difference?"

At this question I stand up abruptly from my chair, cringing as it scrapes against the tiled floor with a scream, and I leave the room.

Liam follows after mumbling an apology, closing the door behind him.

He turns to me. "What the hell has gotten into you?" I can't help but notice how much his red shirt clashes with the white walls of Zara's hallway.

I shake my head. "I can't just sit there listening to the pair of you lie through your fucking teeth. I can't."

Liam leans against his crutch and sighs, trying to keep himself calm. "It's for a good fuckin' cause Penny. Get the fuck over it." He keeps his voice low and quiet but does not refrain from allowing his eyes to sharpen and glare into mine. "If you really want to fuck all this up for a charity-"

"Don't you dare bring that into this." I shake my head and glare right back at him. "This is about you and her, lying. Not just to me, not just to your family and hers, but to the whole world-"

"They know." Liam says more quietly now, avoiding my gaze.

"Who knows what?"

"My family. Her family. They all know that it's... that it's fake." The guilt plastered on his face is indescribable.

I slap my arms against my sides and groan, "So everybody knew but me?"

Liam says nothing.

"Fucking fabulous." I say a little louder this time.

"Penny," Liam whispers, "can you keep your-"

"I'm the only fucking person who didn't know that your fucking relationship is a lie!"

"-voice down." Liam breathes.

This is the moment my entire life falls apart.

Liam's eyes are no longer on me but on the person who has just walked out of Zara's office and into the hall.

I spin around to see the journalist  blinking at Liam and then gawking at Zara. "Fake relationship?" He questions, immediately scribbling something in his notepad.

Zara glares at me, her face fashioning an expression I have never seen before. Pure rage. "Don't listen to her," she excuses and attempts to pull his arm away from the paper, "she's only my-" but it's too late. The journalist is gone in a matter of seconds. The news will have spread around the entire world by tea time.

Telltale ~ Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now