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Y/n's P.O.V
   I was pacing back and forth when my mom put her hand on my shoulder I turned around "are you going?" My mom chuckled "yes I am if you want you can come but you have to stay in the car" I nodded and smiled "I'd do anything to at least be next to him" my mom pulled me close and opened the door. I opened the car door and sat down staring into the sky "mom do you think I'll see Eddie again" I felt a hand on my leg "sweetheart you will see him again I promise you that" I smiled but sadness was on my face you can tell I was worried about not seeing Eddie anymore, I loved Eddie he meant the world to me. Eddie understood me we were always together we were unstoppable, when we reached the hospital I saw my mom get out and go up I waited for what seemed like years when I saw Ms. K go into her car then leave "Ms. K did you have to pick something up or perhaps drop something off?" I locked all doors in the car and when she was completely away I got out the car making sure everything was locked, I ran to the hospital and saw the front desk "may I help you sweetie" my eyes widen and I pushed up my glasses "Uh..C-Can I know we're E-Eddie kaspbrak room is?" I finally got the courage to say as I gulped "sure sweetie it's 108" I smiled and quickly walked over to 108 and saw Eddie sitting on one of those beds with a cast "Hey there aren't you supposed to take your pills!" He jumped up and looked at me "Jesus Y/n! What are you doing here my mom will kill you!!" I smiled "your mom left and she'll have to get through my mom first" he pulled me into a tight hug and smiled I looked him in his eyes "just like old times....but instead you didn't have a bro-" he kissed me "Y/n I don't care about my broken arm as long as your ok" I sighed and looked at him holding his hand "Eddie did you know were unstoppable," I said with my handcuffed on his face "unstoppable you say! What did I tell you about my Eddie" I was frozen we backed up to the wall with our hands still she looked down at our hands "Eddie baby didn't I ask you if you were a thing and you said no!"

Eddie's P.O.V
"Mom I love Y/n and you can't stop me from loving her I'm growing up you c-" I look at the door and see Y/n's mom "Ms. K? I think you should leave Eddie has agreed to say over with me for the day" I looked over at Y/n and shrugged "Your crazy I have to take Eddie home so I can take care of him!" I sighed and saw Y/n get a sad face I held her hand and brung her closer to me "it's gonna be fine" I whispered Y/n's mom nodded in agreement "I see but can you please just let them have this day together You see Y/n is very concerned for Eddie and for what she told me she was trying her best to protect him and when he was freaking out he almost had an asthma attack so she helped him with his pump and she helped him breathe calmly" I whispered over to Y/n "your mom is really good at debate" she chuckled silently "she didn't practice four years for nothing" I looked back over and looked at my mom with a sad face "but my Eddie needs to be in good hands" Y/n's mom put a hand on her shoulder "and he will be. I trust with my daughter and me Eddie will be as safe as he is with you" she smiled and sighed "I- I suppose so" she said grabbing Y/n's mom into a big hug I hugged Y/n and say her mom look at me mouthing "you own me after!" I smiled and mouthed "thank you so much" I ended the hug with Y/n as we checked out and went into the car together me and Y/n sat in the back while she laid her head on me and we joked we got to her house and her mom pulled me to the side "About the favor," I thought she was kidding! I gulped and nodded "yes?" I said with worry "I need you to take care of her, please don't hurt her she's been through enough in her life and she really depends on me and you I know that you love her and she loves you so please don't hurt her" I smiled and pulled her mom into her hug "That's not just a favor to you that's a favor to me and your daughter I love her with all my heart and she's something I would protect with everything I have" she smiled at me with a tear in her eye "my baby is growing up" she said running into the house giving her a big hug I chuckled and walked into the house getting a big hug by the both as I let out a groan "ok ok!"

Y/n's P.O.V
I faked a cough and my mom walked away "I'll give you both some space unlike your mother Eddie" I chuckled and pushed my mom away "ok ok ok leave!!!" I raced Eddie to my room and I tripped him to my bed he landed and sighed "my cast!!" I smiled and laid down beside him "Eddie, what did I say! Were unstoppable!" He laughed I smiled and looked Eddie in the eye "Eddie" he looked at me "Yes?" Chuckling I looked at him "you really love me?" He smiled and cuffed my cheek "yes, yes I do" I looked him in the eyes and kissed his cheek "I love you too kaspbrak"  the whole night after that we spent the whole day talking and joking around like we always would do. when Eddie had to go home I walked Eddie to the door and hugged him tightly "be safe out there Eddie I wouldn't wanna see you in my room at like six in the morning again" I smiled and laughed "it wasn't six!!" I laughed some more and hugged him again when I shut the door and ran to my bed where he laid closing my eyes

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