The note

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Y/n's P.O.V
Moments pass we talked laughed and joked but at the very end it got silent we didn't seem to care, just being with each other even made us happy. I was always happy with Eddie unless there was something happening with be- I got lost in my words "am I really jealous of Beverly? Beverly marsh? I mean yeah actually, yes I was jealous she's hot! I am not I have big glasses and I can't even be a "badass" I sometimes don't even think me and Eddie would make a good c-" "Hey Y/n can I ask a question?" Eddie got up and looked at me I shook my head loose and looked up at his brown soft eyes "uh- um yeah" I said with a little stutter and that there was a question that I didn't think he would say I would have to answer but he just blurted it out "why did you stand next to Stan? and why did you roll your eyes at Beverly? Richie told me and why did you leave?". He looked down and I slightly bit my lip "I- um..." that's it no way outta this I HAD to answer "well you see um I stood next to Stan because the um boys were so close to you and I couldn't just be like move and push them and uh yeah" I said rubbing the back of my next. "Ok and the other ones" at this point I WAS PRAYING THAT SOMETHING WOULD HAPPEN I took a pillow and held it tightly "MS. K CALL OR SOMETHING HELP ME !!!!!".
Eddie's P.O.V
I was waiting for Y/n to answer and quite honestly it was pretty cute how much she was stalling I quickly turned to the door which had Y/n's mom there "honey your mom wants you home she sounded kinda mad" FUCK are you kidding me I could have gotten Y/n to admit feeling for me....if she had any and on top of that I still wanted to be with her "I understand" my watch beeped and I opened my fanny pack. I took my pills and as I didn't expect Y/n's mom hugged me! She Hugged me "Come back again sweetie" I glanced over at Y/n and she was slightly laughing at me when the hug was finished she ran up to me and gave me a hug my cheeks were burning at this point but I liked it. "Um I'll see if I can come tomorrow," I said smiling at Y/n "walk me to the door will ya?" I chuckled "my pleasure sir" god she was so cute and adorable. she always stood out to me her cute glasses made her even cuter. we walked down to the door and she fixed her glasses "I'll see you tomorrow bye Y/n" I was about ready to go when I felt something sudden on my check.
"Did you?" I said feeling my cheek "I did" she replied my cheeks when bright pink and I smiled "heh" "A small chuckle really Eddie that's what you do when you get a kiss from your freaking mom you always rub your face with hand sanitizer but this I'll keep this one"

Y/n's P.O.V
Right after I gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek I nearly fainted. I pushed my glasses up and closed the door to my mom right behind me she was laughing "ughhh rub it in mom yes I did kiss Eddie on the cheek" she laughed more and stopped "you kids are too cute" I grabbed some juice and went upstairs. I looked at my dresser and saw a note "oh shit the note!" I looked at it and put my juice down and read it my cheeks went dark red and I had literal heart eyes As my heart was beating faster with each word, I sat down on my bed and sniffed the Eddie kaspbrak feels the same way as I do with him. I put the note on my dresser and when I turned around there it was my dad I wasn't too fond of my dad after he cheated on my mom and blamed it on her "oh Y/n you have a little boyfriend now and you didn't tell me" he laid his hand on my cheek and his eyes were a deep brown so dark you can nearly see anything I looked out to my window and saw Eddie riding.
A tear shed down and I slapped his hand anyway while grabbing the picture on my bedside "you see this WE could have had this WE COULD HAVE BUT YOU RUINED IT YOU RUINED IT ALL" I screamed right at him and shattered the picture he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me to the wall I was hyperventilating while my glasses were on the floor. "I RUINED IT? this was YOUR fault I DIDNT WANT YOU, YOU TOLD ON ME AND WE COULD HAVE ALL BEEN TOGETHER And I could have kept you safe from that little boy" tears fully falling down as his hand got tighter around your neck you were screaming to the top of your lungs.
"It's NOT MY FAULT, it's NOT MY FAULT, it's NOT MY FAULT" you started screaming more as he  just whispered into your ear "just come float with me Y/n come float with us!" His eyes got a deep light yellow and I was dropped to the floor crying where the glass was. There was blood mostly everywhere on my thighs and I cried for what seemed like hours till my mom swung open the door and rushed over to me "what happen Y/n what happen???" She wiped my tears away and pulled me close to her as she kept repeating "I'm here" she repeated as I repeated "its not my fault it's not my fault" she looked at me "no it's not".
Me knowing she knew NOTHING of what just happen made it worse. But something was out there something that wasn't even my dad.

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