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by: toshler on tumblr

"so, have you been using the thing?" tyler asked josh over the phone, smirk evident in his voice. it's been awhile since they'd talked, both taking a break from the studio to spend thanksgiving with their families.
"um, yeah i...guess." josh answered, glancing over at the cursed object on his nightstand that tyler was so curious about. if he were honest, he'd used it 3 times the first night he got it and was obsessed. tyler wasn't even supposed to know about it to begin with, but josh just had to forget and leave it out in the open. he tried to stop tyler when he picked it up, but it was too late when tyler opened it to find that it was no ordinary flashlight. he slid a finger in it curiously, finding that it was still wet and recently used. it was from then that tyler discovered josh was not such an innocent boy like he thought.
"just wondering." tyler responded. josh wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he swore he could hear tyler's breath picking up on the other end. but he could barely hear it over the sound of his own insecurities and the blood rushing to his dick.
"you can use it now, if you want" tyler murmured, voice soft and tantalizing. josh could not believe his ears, but his dick picked up on tyler's suggestive tone right away.
"what?!" josh blurted, unsure if tyler was implying what he thought he was. he swallowed nervously, sweating around his collar the way he usually did when he got all hot and bothered. but this was his long time best friend/band mate. they've been through so much, but ever since tyler found it he'd been flirting relentlessly. and there were no fans watching, no inside jokes. this was all real.
"are you alone?" tyler asked in a hushed voice, hand slowly caressing his chest. his fingers found his nipple, rubbing and lightly pinching to the sound of josh's voice. to him, josh's voice was the most orgasmic sound in the world and he wanted to test his boundaries.
"yes, i'm alone...ty?" josh asked, concerned when he heard what sounded like a whimper on the other end. he'd seen tyler this way before and could easily picture the ungodly look on his face, licking and biting his lips in that sinful way that he shouldn't be picturing.
"cum with me, josh. it's been awhile since you used the thing, hasn't it?" tyler taunted him. he freely let a moan slip when he wrapped his hand around his aching cock, and josh could no longer handle it. he'd already shed his sticky, black t-shirt from practically burning up. the hot, raspy voice on the other end of the line combined with the gentle nudges had him reaching for the toy, unscrewing the end and revealing the flesh-toned device with an orifice in the shape of a tight little asshole, a detail which did not miss tyler one bit. he knew josh was bisexual, but he arrogantly couldn't help but wonder if josh thought of him that way. josh frantically squirted lube into the toy, the smeared some onto his own cock for good measure.
"oh fffuuuck" josh growled, pushing his hips up and fucking the toy agonizingly slow. he almost forgot how realistic it felt, hugging every inch of his cock from base to tip. the only thing it was missing was the heat that came with a warm body, but he could almost forget about it with the sound of tyler whimpering like a desperate slut.
"fuck it faster, joshie. fuck that tight ass raw. fill it with your cum" tyler gasped between breaths, 3 knuckles deep in his own ass. knowing he'd need two hands, he'd plugged his earbuds into his phone for a hands-free experience, and boy was it worth it.
"god, ty...jeez" josh laughed slightly, gasping in oversensitivity as he teased the hole over the tip of his cock and slid all the way back in. tyler's eyes rolled back at the sound, stroking his cock faster and fucking himself on his fingers.
"mmm, put the phone down by your cock for a second. i wanna hear the sound it makes" tyler suggested. josh blushed from how filthy and specific tyler's request was, but obliged nonetheless. he continued pumping the toy harder to exaggerate the sloppy, wet noises. he could hear tyler's little "ah ah ah"s, even with the phone held away from his ear.
"you like that?" josh asked, cringing internally at his attempt at dirty talk. the answer was obvious from tyler's noises, but the question seemed to spur something in tyler anyway.
"yes josh, just don't stop, please. i want us to cum at the same time so let me know first, ok?" tyler begged. this didn't sound like the tyler that josh was used to hearing, but he liked this side of tyler.
"i'm incredibly close" josh admitted, even pausing to slow down his impending climax a few times. he usually lasted longer solo even watching porn, but the sound of tyler getting off with him and the attention tyler was giving him was an even bigger turn on than he thought it could be. he wished he could see tyler right now, probably lounging in sweatpants pushed down to his knees, intently rutting his hard cock into his fist. he imagined he'd kicked those pants off by now, spread out and fingering his slick hole, messy hair from rolling against his pillow and spit-slick lips. god, he could really use his wet tongue on his balls right now.
"n-now!" josh yelled just before tyler's noises, in combination with the picture in his head and the entire situation drove him over the edge. he spilled into the toy as he'd done several times, but it felt so much more intimate sharing the experience with tyler and hearing the other's panting breaths right along with him. he was just in time too, because tyler was on edge and exploded as soon as he heard josh's warning. he was anticipating it, so it was almost like a command for him to cum. he aimed towards himself, shooting it clear across his stomach and chest. both lay panting and covered in sweat, and josh hadn't yet removed the toy as he was still sensitive.
"wait josh, you're not cleaning up are you?" tyler asked, sounding a bit worried.
"no, why?" josh responded.
"can you um...send me a picture of the mess?" tyler asked, the most shy he sounded the entire time.
"of course, but this means you have to send me one." josh said playfully. he grabbed his phone, flipping on the camera app. he captured the moment as he slid out from the toy, cream pie drooling out onto his soft cock that laid limply against his belly. it was easily the most graphic image he'd ever taken of himself, but he hit send to tyler's number.
"holy shit, josh! that looks so...delicious." tyler said unashamedly. josh's jaw dropped at tyler's choice of words, and he was speechless. 'delicious' meant that he wanted to taste, which was an even bigger turn on for josh. as if none of this was hot enough, josh received an incoming text with 2 photos attached. the first one was a slightly angled shot with tyler's spent cock in the foreground, aiming up his naked, cum-soaked stomach and chest. the second one was basically a selfie, except tyler was staring suggestively into the lens and sucking his fingers.
"oh...oh my god, tyler baby. i'm definitely saving and using these later." josh groaned. tyler grinned, a little too proud of himself.
"how about next time we see each other, you let me try out your toy? i wanna see if it can make me cum as much as you." tyler suggested competitively.
"we'll have to give it a try. but i'll only share if i can watch." josh said.

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