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by: joshlerness on tumblr

"He's closeted. It's fucking obvious Ty. Captain of the football team, the jockiest jock you will ever meet, head so far up his own ass he can probably see out of his mouth. Y'know, he's probably crushing on you too."
Tyler scoffed, turning to face his best friend with a look of amused annoyance. "Please, you could run a brothel with the amount of girls he's slept with." He turned back towards the boy over the other side of the cafeteria. Red hair, pierced nose, white tunnels and a body that sent even Tyler Joseph's vaguely innocent mind down the gutter.
"He's trying to convince himself and the world that he wouldn't rather stick it in you." The black haired boy beside him spoke bluntly.
"You're disgusting Brendon." Tyler grimaced.
"I'm right."
The two boys shared a sigh at the sight of Josh Dun, happy in a content silence before Brendon broke the quiet. "Don't be a fucking stranger Tyler. Do something, or God knows I'll do him myself."
"You have a girlfriend."
"Who knows I'm bi. Eiffel Tower."
Tyler scoffed for the second time. "What does that even mean?"
"Call me up when you're fucking Josh Dun and I'll come over and let you know, huh?" He said, getting up.
"Where are you going?"
"Sarah's waiting." He shot the smaller boy a smirk before turning and walking in the other direction. Leaving Tyler to wallow in his own puppy love.
There was a girl hanging from his arm, clinging almost. It made Tyler feel sick. The was a look of discomfort in his love's face, and the smaller boy was so engrossed in studying the red haired boy's unusual activity, that he didn't notice the very eyes that he'd longed to gaze into staring right back at him. The realisation made him jump, averting his gaze almost immediately, and probably worsening the awkwardness of the situation.
He watched Josh mutter something to his friends and start to make his way over. Tyler's anxiety began to swamp him, pulling him under. He tried to get up and walk away before Josh got to him, but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him. He flinched and turned to face the owner.
"First things first, I'm not gonna hurt you. Try to look less scared, but scared enough that the cavemen think I'm gonna hurt you. They'll desert me if they think I've gone soft. Second, stop staring at me, unless you're A: planning to try and beat me up, which I wouldn't recommend, or B: going to accept my proposition." Josh spoke boldly, a cold look on his face
Tyler gulped, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. "W-what proposition?"
"Well... I've been watching you for quite some time Tyler Joseph, and I think you might be able to help me with something. But it's top secret. Meet me in the janitors closet after next period, we have things to discuss." He finished his sentence and walked away before Tyler could utter a word.
The timid boy spent the entire next period in a state of anxious excitement. Willing the bell to hurry up and ring, but at the same time dreading the shrill sound. When it came, he was the first out, knowing exactly where he was headed, his heart beating fast in his chest as he stood outside the door. He slipped in as a crowd walked past, the halls were too loud - and Tyler too quiet- for any one to notice.
"You came."
"Did I have a choice?" Tyler spoke, a spurt of confidence rushing through him.
"No." Josh laughed, a hint of nervousness in his tone. He scratched at the back of his neck before composing himself completely, his expression turning serious. "So, you think you can help me out?"
"Depends what you need."
"You like guys, right?"
"Not all guys, some are idiots." Tyler spoke sarcastically, before noticing the worried look on Josh's face. "But yes, I'm gay."
Josh let out a sigh, before clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. "Well, lately I've been, sorta... Y' know, um-"
"And you want me to be your little experiment?"
"I- I just wanna try something. Once. No one will know, and if nothing happens we'll go our separate ways, and I won't bother you again. I promise. Please Tyler. It's killing me. I don't know what's going on."
Tyler felt a pang of sympathy shoot through his chest. He knew how it felt to be confused, and it was quite possibly the worst thing he'd ever felt.
"What? Seriously?"
"Yes, but just do it before I change my mind."
And straight away, Josh pressed their lips together, pushing Tyler against the wall, one hand against the smaller boy's cheek, the other resting on his hip, the occasional squeeze forcing stifled moans from Tyler's lips. Sparks shot between the two of them, a hunger that Josh hadn't shown anyone before.
Tyler pulled away momentarily, looking into Josh's eyes, allowing him to catch his breath. "You okay?"
"L-let me show you something else, you'll know."
Josh nodded confidently, reconnecting their lips. Tyler dropped to his knees in front of the taller boy, the tent in his pants making him smirk. He began to unbuckle Josh's belt, before pulling his pants down along with his boxers. He looked up to see Josh staring right back at him, his bottom lips pulled between his teeth.
"You ready?"
Tyler took this as his queue, taking Josh's already semi-hard cock in his hand and beginning to pump, a throaty groan immediately emitting itself from the taller boy's lips. The brunette boy began to tease Josh with his tongue, swirling it around his love's tip before taking as much of him as possible in his mouth. It was no surprise to Tyler that Josh was big, if every damn girl and her boyfriend in the school wouldn't shut up about it, you knew that it couldn't be just a rumour.
He pumped what he couldn't fit with his hand, his spare one gripping into Josh's thigh, making scratch marks, leaving the red head a moaning mess.
"D-don't stop. Ah, that feels so fucking good baby."
Tyler could tell that the older boy was close, he was twitching in Tyler's mouth, his hands in brunette locks, pushing Tyler further onto him. Tyler relaxed his throat, trying not to gag as he let Josh fuck his mouth. The sounds falling from the taller boy's mouth were driving Tyler insane, sending moans flying from his lips, the vibrations brining Josh closer to his end.
"I-I'm so close, such a good boy. That's it. Right there. Ah fuck Ty."
With one final twitch and an animalistic growl, Josh came into Tyler's mouth, almost collapsing as the shock waves passed through him. The smaller boy held on to his legs to give him extra support. The brunette swallowed before wiping his mouth and standing up. "You feel any less confused?"
"More." Josh sighed, still breathless. "Why'd you have to be so fucking good at that?"
Tyler giggled. "So what happens now? I know it's not gonna be long before you want more. And if we're gonna have this little agreement, it has to be worth my while too."
"Next time, you'll get your reward for being such a good boy for me."
Tyler giggled again, feeling himself blush at Josh's words.
"Oh and Tyler?"
"Call me Daddy."

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