video games

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by: xxip-smut on tumblr

Tyler loves their downtime for lots of reasons: One, he gets to spend it all with Josh; Two, it can either consist of fucking or being the world's greatest couch potatoes.
The days they have off together, Tyler holds especially close to him. He loves to spend all day with Josh, the possibilities are just endless whenever you have the two of them in a room together.
"Hey baby," Tyler says, rubbing Josh's leg as they lounge on the couch together with Tyler sitting upright and Josh laying down with his legs across Tyler's lap. "Yes, babe?" Josh asks, taking all he can just to stay awake. "Tomorrow since we're both off, can we play some video games? It has been a while since we played against each other." Josh laughs at Tyler's innocence, "Of course we can, baby boy. But for now, let's go to bed." he says stretching before grabbing Tyler's hand in his own and walking to the bedroom for the night.
Sunday:  This Sunday morning was not unlike any other, Tyler got up before Josh did and made him breakfast. Now it's not like Tyler is an extraordinary cook or anything, but he can scramble eggs and toast bread for sure. He made Josh a cup of coffee and carried his plate in the bedroom to him, he sat it on the bedside table and then crawled into bed next to him. It was nearly 10 a.m. and Josh still hadn't woken up. Tyler frowned and rolled Josh over so he was on his back, "Baby," Tyler cooed, climbing onto Josh's lap and straddling him. "Wake up," he whined and lightly ran his hands up and over Josh's wide chest. Josh groaned as Tyler scratched his nails back down his chest. "What do you want, baby boy?" he asked groggily, "I want you to wake up baby! I made you breakfast." Tyler said happily, "And it's almost 10 so you need to get up."
"I think I'd much rather have your kisses for breakfast." Josh says, bringing his hands to Tyler's side and tickling him. Tyler giggled and squirmed around, "J-Josh! It's going to get cold." he said between giggles as he tried to escape out of Josh's hands. Josh laughed and let go of the smaller boy and sat up. He kissed Tyler's forehead as he sat in his lap still. "Did you already eat?" he asked, reaching over for his cup of coffee and taking a drink. It had taken Tyler a year to finally get his coffee right. He smiled softly as he sat the cup down, "Yep!" Tyler answered, reaching over and grabbing Josh's plate and handing it to him.
... ... .
"Alright baby, you pick the game, okay?" Josh said to Tyler, they had just gotten out of the shower and Tyler was reminding Josh of their deal. Tyler smiled and dried his body and hair off then slipped on his boxers. "Okay! It's going to be Mario Kart since I am better than you at it." "Is that even fair?" Josh laughed as he dried off. "Totally." Tyler said walking out of the bathroom. Josh knew that Tyler had something up his sleeve, he just didn't know what. Josh got dressed and quickly followed suit, his red hair still dripped little pink drops onto his shoulders as he walked to the living room.
Tyler had set up the game and opened a can of Red Bull for himself and a beer for Josh. He was sitting on the couch and his leg bounced with nervous energy. "What are we playing for?" Josh said, walking to the couch and sitting next to his boyfriend. "Who bottoms for the next business week." Tyler said, turning to Josh and smirking a little. Josh chuckled and ran his thumb across Tyler's soft cheek, "I see your claim and raise it to whoever loses gets to be the winners little toy. Obedient and always willing." Tyler whimpered and nodded quickly, "D-deal." Josh never subbed to Tyler, so this was the deal of a lifetime!
... ... .
"What the fuck?! What do you mean I fucking lost?! You don't even like this game Josh, what the fuck!" Tyler said clearly upset. Josh smirked and leaned against the back of the couch, "I'm a man of many talents, baby boy." he said simply. "That's not fair! That's not how this was supposed to go!" Tyler said, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. He looked down at his lap, clearly upset. "Baby," Josh chuckled and grabbed Tyler's jaw and turned him to face him. "Stop being a sore loser, come here. Let daddy kiss it all better." Josh smirked as Tyler got up and moved into his lap. "I was supposed to win, daddy. It's not fair." Tyler mumbled, laying his head on Josh's chest. "I won fair and square, baby boy. Now you better suck it up or I'll make this week hell for you. Stop being a brat. Got it?" he asked, his tone becoming much more aggressive and demanding as he gripped Tyler's waist. Tyler yelped and nodded, "Y-yes sir." "Good boy." he said, ruffling Tyler's hair.
This was going to be tortuous.
Monday:  "Fuck." Tyler mumbles softly to himself. This isn't the first time he's woken up and found himself hard for Josh and definitely won't be the last. Tyler turned and nuzzles into Josh's side, pressing his hard on against Josh's thigh and hoping Josh would catch on.
"Mm," Josh says, emitting a low and sleepy chuckle. "Hard already, baby?" "Mhm," Tyler mumbles, slowly rocking his hips against Josh's thigh. "You're such a little slut, you know that?" Josh says opening his eyes and grabbing Tyler's hip to stop him. "I didn't say you could do that, now did I, Ty?" "N-no, sir." Tyler whined and looked up to Josh, "You know that calls for a punishment, don't you?" Tyler sighed and nodded. "Answer me whenever I speak to you!" Josh exclaimed, giving Tyler's ass a hard slap. The boy moaned and closed his eyes, "Y-yes sir, I know that! Punish me."
Josh's dick twitched in excitement, he loved having Tyler at his every whim like this. "Suck on your fingers, I want you to prep yourself while you suck me off." Josh said, biting his lip and looking at Tyler in this precious needy state. Tyler looked up at Josh and shimmied out of his boxers as quick as he could then slowly slid his fingers into his mouth, he kept eye contact with Josh as he got his fingers nice and covered in his saliva. Josh groaned lowly and began to palm himself, watching the boys actions. Tyler hasn't sucked him off in quite some time.
Josh pushed the blankets off and away as Tyler sat up on all fours with his head over Josh's lap. Josh smirked and pushed his boxers down. Tyler scooped up the spit in his fingers and moved them from his mouth to his ass. Josh smiled, hearing Tyler whimper as he rubbed the spit around his tight hole. He looked down and saw Josh had begun to pump himself slightly, Tyler wished someone would pay attention to his dick too. "What are you waiting for, baby? Suck my cock." Josh groaned, putting his hands behind his head.
Tyler whined and used his free hand to grab Josh's base and steady him as he began to suck on his head. Josh moaned low and deep, the sleep still in his voice. He spread his legs and allowed Tyler more room to take him deeper into his mouth. Tyler sucked more of Josh into his mouth and moaned around him as he pushed his middle finger into his ass. Josh groaned and reached around to grab Tyler's ass cheek and spread them wide giving Josh a good view. Tyler began to slowly finger himself and speed up against Josh. "You're doing so good baby," Josh moaned, rubbing Tyler's ass softly. "So so good."
Tyler pushed his ring finger in next, pushing them deeper in his ass. He groaned and pulled off of Josh a little, tonguing at the underside of his cock. "Get one more finger in that tight ass and then you can ride me, sweet boy. Using your own spit as lube like the little slutty boy you are." Josh grunted, giving Tyler a nice slap on his ass. Josh brought his hand back to his mouth and spit in it then brought it back to Tyler's ass and let it drip over his fingers. Tyler whimpered and moaned, shoving his index finger in with his other two. He pulled his mouth off of Josh and took a deep breath then let out a loud moan, "Fuck, that feels so good!" he whined, thrusting his fingers in and out.
"Are you ready, sweet boy? Think you can ride me?" Josh asked, Tyler nodded frantically and slowly pulled his fingers out of him then got up to get on Josh's cock. "You're such a good boy." Josh said softly as Tyler lined himself up to Josh and began to sink onto him. They both moaned the lower Tyler got. Once he had Josh all in him, he slowly rocked his hips. "C-Can I t-touch my cock, s-sir?" Tyler asked through whimpers as he slowly began to bounce on him. "No, baby. But I can." Josh said, reaching out and rubbing the boy's tip as he began to ride faster. Tyler moaned and leaned his head back, "Oh fuck, you feel so good stretching my ass like this, thank you."
"The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart." Josh said smiling, "Now ride me faster, slut." he chuckled and gave Tyler a nice hard slap on the ass. Tyler moaned and bounced faster on Josh, Josh moaned and leaned his head back a little. "You're such a good boy." Josh repeated, Tyler loved the praises and aimed to please Josh in everything he did, but right now he was so close. "I don't know if I can h-hold on, J-Joshie!" Tyler gasped, slowing down a bit, taking Josh from tip to hilt, rolling his hips. "J-Just a little bit more baby, you can do it." Josh gasped, his stomach muscles were tense and his breathing ragged. "Touch your cock, baby, I want you to cum all over yourself." Josh said, tightening his grip on Tyler's ass, helping the boy to bounce on him.
Tyler happily obeyed and began to jerk his cock quickly. He whined and gasped, the closer he got the more precum that slid over his hand. Josh moaned and fluttered his eyes closed for a second. "I'm cumming, darling. Fuck!" Josh grunted as he came deep inside Tyler. Tyler moaned and with a few more tugs, his white cum was rolling down his tanned hands and his body was shaking softly as he maintained a steady roll of his hips to help milk Josh's orgasm.
Once they were both finished and had stopped moving, Josh took Tyler's hand and licked the fallen cum off of it. Tyler groaned as he watched, he loved whenever Josh did this. Josh finished cleaning his hands and smiled over at Tyler, "Good morning, baby." he said. Tyler laughed, "Good morning, Joshie." "Let's go get washed up then we can go out for breakfast, how does that sound, baby?" Josh asks, helping Tyler off of him. "Perfect." he said with a smile.
Tuesday: Josh hated being back at work whenever he knew he had a little play toy waiting for him back home. He loved having Tyler at his every beck and call, he hoped this week would go by slow so he could savor every moment of it. Tyler was so pretty- his big doe brown eyes, always looking so innocent and willing; his full pink lips always parted in anticipation at anything Josh would tell him to do; his small frame and tanned skin that bruised so easily; his perfect cock that Josh could never get enough of. As these thoughts of Tyler invaded their way into his mind, his pants grew a little tighter.
By the time Josh's lunch break rolled around, he was hard. He had spent the last 20 minutes before then by scrolling through a folder of nudes and sexy times with Tyler he had on his phone. His pants were unbuttoned and pushed down his thighs, his boxers were sporting a wet spot on them as he struggled to not touch himself. Though as lunchtime rolled around, he knew that the office would empty out and he would be virtually alone to talk with Tyler and relieve this little problem.
As he had dodged the last request to join some coworkers for lunch, he dialed Tyler's number and facetimed him. "Hi baby! Have you checked the lunch I made you, it's your favourite sandwich." Tyler said cheerily. Josh couldn't help but smile, noticing Tyler being a cute little boy, folding their clothes. "I haven't had a chance to look yet, baby. I have something else on my mind right now." Josh said, panning the camera down to his crotch. He heard Tyler gasp, "Is it me?" "Of course it is, baby boy. No one else can make me hard like you can." Josh said, running his hand along his waistband and pulling at it, exposing his rock hard cock.
Tyler bit his lip and fidgeted in his spot on the couch. "How would you like me to help you, sir?" Josh smirked at the camera, "You're such a good boy, Ty. You know that, don't you? I am so pleased with you." Tyler blushed at the praise and nodded, "Yes baby," he said, biting his lip. "Take your shirt off, baby. Let daddy see your pretty body." Josh said lowly, Tyler whimpered and set the phone on the table, using a stack of Josh's clothes to prop it up. He sat back and took his shirt off and blushed a little, "Pants too?" "Pants too, doll." Josh purred watching. Tyler stood up and took off his pants, revealing a pair of soft pink panties. Josh groaned lowly, "Explain yourself, I didn't say you could wear those. Are you wearing those especially for me baby? You look so pretty.." Tyler wouldn't look at Josh as he nodded, "I wanted to surprise you whenever you got home, baby.. That and it's laundry day and all of our boxers are dirty.." "Sweet boy," Josh chuckled and took screenshots as Tyler turned to the side, then showed Josh his perfect ass in them, pulling up the sides a little so they went up his ass. "Don't fucking tease me, boy." Josh growled, Tyler giggled softly and sit back down.
"Palm yourself, you aren't touching that cock until I get home, got it?" Josh asked biting his lip. Tyler nodded and leaned against the couch and rubbed his clothed crotch, "Tell me what lead you to want to surprise me, baby boy. In detail."
Wednesday:  "Tyler," Josh groaned, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder as he typed on his computer, logging out for his lunch break. "What do you mean you can't meet me for lunch today? I had big plans for us back home." "I'm sorry Josh, I hate meeting calls just as much as you do. I promise I'll see you soon and we can continue our bet." Tyler said, it was clear that he stressed.
"But baby, I was going to drop to my knees and give that pretty cock of yours a nice suck." Josh said, sultry dripping from his voice. "Blindfold you and have you on edge until I finally let you cum down my throat." "J-Josh," Tyler whined then cleared his throat. "Stop baby, I can't go into my meeting sporting a boner." "Well then skip it and come let me relieve it for you." Josh chuckled and swung his keys around his index finger. He hated whenever they were both at work. There was no facetime sessions, and no slut to come home to at lunch time either.
"You know I can't do that, sir." Tyler mumbled, trying to be the good boy he was supposed to be playing but still firm enough that Josh understood. Josh groaned, "Fine then, babydoll. But know that you're coming out of your meeting with a few things in your inbox that aren't safe for work." Josh said to him then hung up.
... ... .
The rest of the work day was an absolute nightmare for both of the boys. Josh had instructed Tyler that no matter what he couldn't cum and had to show Josh updated proof every once in awhile. Josh had secretly hated himself for that one, just whenever his mind would focus on work again his phone would buzz and a picture of Tyler's hard dickprint pressing prominently through his work pants would pop up. Josh groaned and sent back a small video of him sucking on his fingers and caption it with a countdown of how long it would be until they would be together again.
Josh fully intended to keep his promise of blindfolded and sucking Tyler, but with each passing hour the ideas grew in his head. This week had made Josh insatiable, it was coming to an end too soon..
. ... ...
That evening Josh got home before Tyler did. He smiled and loosened his tie and went straight to the bedroom. He was going to have so much fun tonight. He located a ball gag, he usually never gags Tyler- his moans are much too beautiful to be silenced- but his plan called for it. He looked around until he found his bottle of flavored lube and smiled, it had been a long while since he had teased Tyler with this. He laid is supplies on the bed and went back into the living room, he looked at his watch and then slowly began to unbutton his shirt, Tyler would be here soon.
As if on cue, Tyler walked in the door as Josh was undoing the last button. "Josh, I am so sor-" "Save it, drop your things. Undress now." Josh said cutting him off, he smirked and took his shirt off, playing with the tie in his hand. Tyler gulped and nodded then started to quickly unbutton his shirt. "I am very disappointed I couldn't see you today. I see you are as well, that's quite the precum stain you're sporting on your pants." he chuckled. Tyler blushed and took his shirt off, "I am so h-hard for you, sir. You have no idea."
"I'll find out soon enough. Hurry and finish undressing." he said, walking back to the room. "Come back to the bedroom once you're naked." "Y-yes sir." Tyler mumbled and tripped a little as he stripped out of the remainder of his clothes. Once he made it back to the room, Josh was in his boxers and bending over the bed. "What would you like me to do now?" Tyler asked walking into the room, fully naked, dick tall and proud. Josh stood and looked back at Tyler, he bit his lip as his eyes raked over the boy's body. He couldn't wait to have him begging for him- he sounded so pretty when he whined.
"Come and sit on the edge on the bed, sweetheart. I have a few things planned for you." Josh said, stepping to the side. Tyler nodded and walked to the bed. He gulped when he saw the things he had laid out on the bed, he didn't expect this but was excited for it anyway. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at Josh. "You look so innocent sweet boy." he chuckled and rubbed his thumb across his cheek and leaned down to kiss him. Tyler moaned finally feeling Josh against him, Tyler wanted to deepen the kiss but didn't want to overstep and get punished so he didn't.
Josh pulled away and took the gag off of the bed, "I'm going to gag you with this, okay? Then I will blindfold you and suck your cock like I had always planned to do. Then you're going to lay back and let me fuck you like the little slut you are, got it?" Josh asked, looking into Tyler's eyes threateningly. "Y-yes sir." Tyler whimpered and looked at the gag and then Josh.
"Oh and one last rule, baby boy. You are NOT to touch me, do you understand? Each time you touch me will be a spanking with one of the wooden paddles. Do you understand that, baby? You are not to touch me. Repeat back to me what I just said so I know you understand." Tyler moaned and fidgeted nervously again, "I-i am not allowed to touch you or I will get a spanking." he said, looking to Josh. "That's right, baby. Don't make me have to do that.." Josh said, raising the gag to Tyler's mouth. "I won't, daddy." Tyler said before letting Josh gag him. Josh kissed his forehead and then tied his tie over Tyler's eyes. "Give me a thumb's up if that's not too tight." Josh said, Tyler chuckled around the gag and gave him a thumb's up.
Thursday: Tyler and Josh had fucked hundreds of times in their multi-year relationship, and never had Tyler's ass been so bruised. He didn't mean to keep touching Josh, it was just a habit. How was he to keep his hands off of him if he kept deep throating him? Especially with his eyes covered and his mouth gagged Tyler was so sensitive. It wasn't fair how Josh had teased him that way!
Tyler's ass was bruised, his throat and hips and wrists were sore. Josh had turned him over and fucked him doggy style, administering 6 slaps of the heavy wooden paddle over the course of the night, with his hands cuffed behind him. He wasn't allowed to take off his blindfold either. As Tyler replayed the events of the night, he couldn't help but to whimper. Josh always gave him amazing aftercare but he was so sore today.
So sore that Josh even let him stay home today, with the exception that he would text him every once in awhile and let him know that he's alright. 'are you feeling any better, sweet boy? i'm so sorry it had to work out this way. maybe next time you'll listen to me, huh?' Josh text him, Tyler laughed, 'yes sir, i promise. hurry home i miss your cuddles.' he replied. Tyler loved that he got to lounge around all day, he wore Josh's shirt and a pair of boxers and stayed wrapped in the blankets. 'don't get too used to it, sweetheart. we have a big day together tomorrow. it's the last full day of the bet and you bet your sweet ass i'm taking you exactly the way i want to. but today, you can rest.'
Tyler whimpered at the message and replied with a safe and simple: 'yes sir.' before locking his phone and putting it down. He was very thankful that Josh was letting him rest today, this week had worn him out; he would never make such a dumb bet again.
Friday:  Tyler is gone before Josh even wakes up today. Josh is disappointed because he's gotten use Tyler clinging to his side, worn out and red faced, or even blissfully asleep. Josh gets up and starts to get ready for work when he notices he has a picture from Tyler, it's a selfie of Tyler in his work suit, though the tie catches his eye. It's the same tie he used to blindfold him the other night: 'thinking of you today, daddy. can't wait to be under your control again tonight ;)' the caption reads. Josh groans and replies with a shirtless mirror shot, 'if you thought that night was hard, just wait until tonight . see you in a couple hours, baby boy.'
Josh has never wanted a work day to be over so soon.
. ... . ...
Josh knows Tyler is home, he was scheduled to get off hours before Josh was. Josh was anxious to get home, he had no clue what would be waiting for him whenever he got there. He was just happy that Tyler had healed up during his rest day yesterday.
However, whenever Josh got home Tyler was asleep on the couch, wearing one of Josh's shirts and his boxers.
Josh chuckled and set his things down, "Baby," he said loud enough that Tyler was sure to hear him. Tyler groaned and rubbed his eyes, "Josh? Is it time for you to be home already?" he asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Yes baby," Josh said looking over his body. "You look so sexy wearing my shirt. Come here." Tyler groaned reluctantly and stood up. He walked over to Josh, Josh smiled and grabbed the boy's hips and pulled him toward him and kissed him. Tyler touched Josh's cheek and kissed him back. Josh picked up Tyler and finally broke the kiss with a smirk as he walked back to their room. "You think you were funny wearing that tie to work today, sweetheart? That picture burned a hole in my mind all day, I couldn't stop the memories of that night from replaying." Josh said, laying Tyler back on the bed and kissing his jaw softly. "M-Me either," Tyler moaned softly, running his fingers through Josh's red hair.
Josh began to slowly grind against Tyler, sucking a dark purple mark onto his neck, causing him to moan and pulled at the top's hair. "Are you up for another rough night, sweetheart? I just wanna tie your hands up and over stim. you, nothing too serious and nothing hard. Just some orgasm denial. Can you handle that?" Josh asked, sliding his hand under Tyler's shirt. Tyler nodded, "Y-yes sir, anything for you." "Good boy." Josh said with a smile, leaning back and taking off Tyler's shirt.
Josh got off of the bed and took his tie off and tied Tyler's hands together and to the headboard, "I would use cuffs but I know you have to cover a shift tomorrow and I don't want them to shine through. The hickey will be a enough to worry about." he laughs and runs a hand down Tyler's chest softly. Tyler whimpered and shuddered. "Th-Thank you, sir."
Josh smiled and looked the boy over again then climbed on top of him again. He kissed Tyler, his hand moving between them to palm him. Tyler groaned into Josh's mouth and Josh took the chance to slide his tongue into Tyler's. Tyler let him take control of the kiss, trying to keep from bucking into his hands. Josh moved the kiss down Tyler's throat, sticking his fingers into Tyler's mouth. Tyler sucked on his fingers while Josh lightly bit his neck. Tyler moaned loudly and closed his eyes.
Josh pulled his fingers out of Tyler's mouth and then pulled his boxers down. "I love you, Ty." he said, spitting into his palm and lightly pumping Tyler's dick. "I-i love you too, Josh." Tyler whined, watching him. Josh was being so sweet to him, he was not looking forward to the over stim or edging at all.
... ... .
"J-J-Josh, pl-please!" Tyler gasped and whined, his legs shaking. Josh smirked as he ran the ice cube along the tip of Tyler's cock. He slid the ice up and down his shaft until it melted, Tyler was a fountain of precum by this point. His chest heaved and his breathing was labored as he pulled on the ties and wiggled a bit. "Almost baby boy, patience." Josh said smirking at his work, Tyler was becoming undone under his touch. Tyler's body jerked whenever Josh lowered his warm mouth onto Tyler's cold and mistreated cock. Tyler's voice crack as he moaned, "I-i d-don't th-think I-I can h-hold on!!"
"Oh but you can and you will, darling. You know that." Josh said, kissing each of Tyler's thighs. Tyler whimpered loudly, his cock feeling red hot and his hole contracting against the plug Josh had made him wear. Tyler was a mess, with tears streaming down his face and three different prominent hickeys shining on his neck, his veins showed as his muscles tensed and he gasped. Josh sat back and let Tyler wind down a little, for the third time that night. Josh smiled looking at his wrecked little boy, he took off his boxers and started to slowly lube himself up.
"Are you ready for my cock, Ty? I know you're ready to cum." Josh laughed, Tyler let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Y-yes sir, I-I'm ready." Josh bit his lip and slowly pulled out the toy, Tyler moaned loudly, arching his back a little. Josh smirked and pulled it out all the way, he spit on his hands and rubbed around Tyler's hole, making sure it was still wet enough for him for fuck. Josh grabbed Tyler's hips and held him up as he pushed into him. "Fuck!" Tyler all but yelled, feeling Josh stretch him even more and push deeper than the toy had.
Josh smirked and picked up a quick pace right off the bat, he was excruciatingly hard having teased Tyler for the past hour or so. He was beyond ready to cum, probably even on the same level as Tyler was. Josh took pity on the boy and untied his hands, Tyler whimpered and immediately hugged Josh close to him. Josh chuckled and wrapped one of Tyler's legs around his waist and began to truly fuck him.
Tyler cried out in pleasure, while he had his face in Josh's neck and continued to cry. Tyler scratched down his back, digging his nails deep into Josh's skin, neither of them were getting out if this unmarked. Josh groaned, holding onto Tyler's lower back as he fucked him. "C-Can I cum? Please Josh, please!" Tyler pleaded, he sounded so soft and broken, Of course Josh agreed. "Yes baby, you can. You've been such a good boy, I am so proud of you." he said, Tyler moaned and nodded, gripping onto Josh's shoulders as Josh reached between them and stroked Tyler's cock softly.
Tyler cried and shook as he came, covering Josh's hand and getting on both of their torsos. Josh didn't last much longer, he took his cum covered hand and slapped Tyler's ass with it as he thrust deep in him and came, moaning for Tyler all the while.
Josh collapsed on Tyler and neither of them moved for a little while, Tyler's orgasm was so intense and well deserved that he almost blacked out. Josh held Tyler close to him as he pulled out and rolled over, allowing Tyler to be on top of him. Tyler was still softly crying from being so overwhelmed, and hiccuped as Josh rubbed circle into his back. Eventually Tyler fell asleep and Josh decided he would worry about the drying cum later.
Saturday: Tyler was thankful he didn't have to work until that night, he and Josh both slept until almost one in the afternoon and whenever they awoke they were both sticky with cum and smelled of sweat and sex. Josh's back had fresh scratches on it, that had gotten a little bit of blood on the sheets, and Tyler had three of the darkest hickeys he had ever seen and a few love bites adorning his hips. His eyes were puffy from crying and his voice was virtually gone.
Him and Josh communicated through texting until Tyler had to get ready for work. "I love you baby." Josh said smiling, helping Tyler to conceal his hickies the same way he concealed his tattoos. "I love you too Josh." the boy rasped out, then cleared his throat making Josh laugh even harder. Tyler blushed and looked away as Josh worked.
Once they were done, Tyler had gotten his things ready and before he walked out the door Josh said: "Hey Ty, since we're both off tomorrow, do you wanna play some video games or something?"
To which Tyler promptly flipped him off and then walked out the door.

would you mind if i posted some jenna smut because i found some that are 😫😫😩😩👌👌👌 also would you mind if i posted some joshler x reader because those are juicy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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