Episode 2: Truth or Laser Shark!

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I was haunted by waves in my sleep. As I dreamt about drowning in an endless sea with no one taking notice, I felt like I truly couldn't breathe. But, thankfully, I was awoken by a soft thud on the cabin floor.

My eyes open and I look to my side to see Jo on her feet, and preparing to leave the cabin. From the looks of the other ladies, it was still quite early in the morning. I sigh, looking up at the wooden frame of the top bunk, clutching my sheet anxiously.

"Psst, uh . . . You alright, Cass?" My eyes fall upon Jo's as she checks me over, her voice hushed. I nod slowly, "Yes, barely. Even in my dreams I'm reminded of my watery nemesis." Jo shrugged, waiting a second before asking, "Well, I'm going out on a run. Want to come?"

I cock my head, puzzled, "I would think you'd want this opportunity to be alone . . ." "Yeah, well, you seem like a decent person." "Why thank you, I try. And to answer you, I would love to get my mind off the nightmare." Her lips twinge into a small smile, and I throw the covers off of me, re-tie my boots to my feet, and follow Jo out the door.




Alright, I was out looking for that hidden immunity idol, not that they need to know.

It's all part of my strategy. Let my team lose so the Maggots develop a false sense of security, before I pick 'em off. OCCUPIED! *screams*


I had a hard time falling asleep. It was my first night outside my bubble.

But finally, I recreated it with my sleeping bag, I was out like that! What an adventure!


We circled around the island a few times, and I was shocked to see how well I kept up with Jo. She is an incredibly skilled runner, and athlete in general. A great asset to our team, as well wonderful competition. I truly did expect her to shun me based off the air of isolation she gave off, but I was pleasantly surprised to receive the opposite.

Eventually, however, I did end up losing her. She pushes herself far ahead of where I was, leaving me in a gentle jog on the island's coast. The fresh lake air was nice, but the looming bay of my dismay was a very unwanted distraction.

I start to pull away from the water until I find myself face first in the sand. "Aye!" Posturing myself up and dusting the sand off my shoulders, I glance behind to find the source of my fall. It was a pin, medium in size, and in the shape of a knight's helmet.

"My, what good fortune!" Cupping the ornament in my fingers, I lift it into the early morning sunlight. The silver metal glints into my eye, but it still showed signs of rust. It resembles near authenticity, and I can feel my hands shaking from excitement.



As the only soldier here with any military training, unless you count Cassidy, I've definitely got a winning edge! My biggest competition is probably her and Jo, good thing we're on the same team! Like my drill sergeant always says, 'Keep your enemies close, and your rivals closer!' No, it was, 'Keep your family close, and your enemies at arms length!' Wait, no, hold on.

Cassidy of Wawanakwa: TDROTI | ✅Where stories live. Discover now