Episode 8: The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean!

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((The art is some I did for the TDAmino, with my other two ocs beside Cassidy. Bastien is her cousin, which gets mentioned in this chapter, and Kay is my self insert :) ))


"You don't deserve to stay any longer."

 "You won't make a good sibling."

 "What makes you think you're obligated to any kind of respect?"

 "They all hate you, you know."

 "You will never get another moment of peace." 

"They'll betray you eventually. You're better off alone."




"Cassie, wake up!"

I burst awake, the overall shock causing me to jump back and fall. The sudden realization that I fell back into the water, was more than enough to fully wake me. Zoey and Mike took hold of my arms, pulling me back onto a raft, where the rest of our team was. "What . . . what in the world?" 

Sinking to my knees, my body shivered from the soaking. Mike and Zoey kneeled at my sides, and Cameron hugged me from in front of me. "You were having a night terror, Cassie. Most of us woke up to your screaming and flailing around. Are you okay?" I hesitated, not quite sure of what to say, before nodding.

"Aye, I mean, the water most certainly didn't improve my condition . . . on that subject, WHAT ARE WE DOING OUT HERE!?" Zoey groaned, "Chris must have set us adrift after we went to sleep!" I growled, clenching my fists, while she and Scott stared out towards the island. 

"Yeah . . . wait. I don't remember anything after dinner!" I raised an eyebrow, "We had dinner?" Cameron exclaimed, "Dinner! That's it! Turkey makes you sleepy, so mutant turkey must have knocked us out cold! Genius." 

At that moment, my stomach started to groan. "I must have forgotten about dinner and went straight to bed after last night. . ." Scott began to pace around anxiously, "Great, now we're going to be some stupid shark's dinner." I shuddered, "Shark?"

Mike reassured us, "Don't worry, he'll never find us in the middle of all this junk." "For our sake, I do hope you're right." He then went up to a floating chest, that housed a bunch of clothes, including, a fedora.

Snapping out of my paralyzation temporarily to send Cameron an anxious look, when Mike put it on his head. "Hey, sweet hat!" He gasped and then approached Zoey, his accent causing my eye to twitch a little. "G'day, Sheila! Aren't you the ridgey-didge?"

Cameron sprinted over, shoving Zoey into the water, while I removed the hat from his head, "Breath, m'lord." He gasped again, returning to himself. Mike gave us a grateful smile, "Thanks, guys."

Zoey returned to the surface, coughing up a bit of water as she called Cameron out, "HEY!" Cameron hastily replied, "Sorry. . .I tripped."



Mike has a deal with me and Cassie. We'll help him stay Mike so he can win Zoey over, and he helps us convince her to turf Scott.

Cassidy of Wawanakwa: TDROTI | ✅Where stories live. Discover now