Episode 13: Brains vs Brawn, The Ultimate Showdown Part Two!

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They were all released so suddenly.

With the remote destroyed, nothing was keeping the remaining mutants Chris had captured at bay. Therefore, in no time, several different creatures we had previously encountered rose up from the ground, much to all of our horror.



Larry . . .


M-M-Mutant gophers!


*red light flashes once*


Right away, I found myself diving to the ground while trying to escape the bleachers. I landed on my shoulder but quickly recovered, drawing my sword just to be safe. So much was happening all at once that I felt as though my head were to pop off from all the spinning. Unfortunately, however, that was where things turned for the worst.

Hearing Lady Zoey scream, I checked over my shoulder to see both her and Mike, along with Brick and Lady Jo, the beast known as Larry holding them captive in his watch. I sprung into action, rushing over to where they were. "Everyone, get back!" I shouted, the lot of them complying with my order as Lady Zoey hid behind me.

"Cassidy, you won't be able to fight him off!" She claimed, hugging my shoulders. I laughed at her words, boldly gesturing my sword towards the ginormous plant. My eyes narrowed towards him as my smirk held on, "Oh, my lady, I most certainly can! After all, Lord McLean is a family friend, making this beast a friend of mine . . ."

I turned my head to her, shoving her slightly and into Mike's arms. With a brief nod, I brought my attention back to Larry, cracking my neck on both sides. 

"I believe it's about time I partook in a playdate with him."


Cameron's POV (Been a while, huh?)

The fight between Lightning and I had certainly begun heating up. The arrival of the mutants only made things worse, as now I had to worry about both them, and the vengeful tub of muscle after me! I managed to help Anne Maria out when Ezekiel, or what was left of him, came after her, but soon my attention was drawn elsewhere.

Dawn and B were struggling with a tree with tentacle arms to my right. Dakota in her newly mutated form was beating up a turtle that was suffocating Sam behind me. Larry was roaring, my friends standing at his mercy terrified. He scooped Staci up into his mouth the second I turned my head, where I caught Cassidy using her sword to climb up and rescue her.

"No!" I yelled, aiming my gauntlet towards them ready to fire when Lightning bashed his spiked mannequin leg into my helmet. I turned to him, slightly dazed from the hit, where he gestured for me to come at him. "Quit being a hero and fight!" he demanded, but I simply ignored him, shooting a beam his way and knocking him into the wall.

Bringing my attention back to where Larry was, I informed myself, "Armor strength at sixty percent! Gotta find Larry's weak spot . . ." The flashing codes and targets on my monitor showed me exactly where to aim, and as soon as I had it calculated, I fired towards the plant. The beam hit the pile of dirt he carried around with him perfectly, disintegrating it all and exposing him. Larry shuffled away in embarrassment and the others cheered for me from where they were.

I waved over to them, catching a glimpse of the storm clouds above me. However, I was soon stopped once I saw Lightning charging towards me. He threw his right arm back, "You wanted an intellectual challenge? When I'm finished with you, your whole life's gonna be an intellectual challenge!" Sure enough, he was determined to do just that. 

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