Episode 6: Runaway Model!

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When I got back from the confessional, Cameron had already returned and settled in for the night. As relieved as I was, I still wished to speak to him about this entire situation. Ever since Dawn's departure a few measly hours ago, my guard has been much higher than usual. Whenever I walk around, I feel as though I'm being . . . Watched, in some manner besides the cameras.

There was also the issue surrounding Mike and the romantic conundrum he threw himself into. Knowing as little as I do about his disorder, other than what Cameron had told me, I'm not quite sure how to resolve this mess. My mind was racing so much that it resulted in a restless slumber. Not like I required any more of those.

Now, I sat in the bathroom with the rest of my female teammates, where the others were getting ready for the day. I had little to no preparation routine, so I merely leaned myself against the wall.

A couple knocks came from the door as Cameron asked inside, "Um, hello? Is it our turn yet?" To which Anne Maria replied, "Keep your panties on!" I glanced to my side, to where Jo sat on the counter, and she shrugged at me.

Lady Maria then went to egg on Zoey, "Nice hair. You look like Princess Lea lost a scissor fight." "I'm surprised thou knowst who she is, Lady Maria," I responded with a slight hint of venom. Zoey then smiled at me before rolling her eyes back at her aggressor, "Actually, it's more like Queen Amidala."

Anne Maria then scoffed, "More like Queen I'm-a-dork-a!" Proceeding to choke us with her hairspray, she then flicked her fingers against her mane to show it was rock hard, which goes to show how terrifying that concoction truly is. "Now that," she bragged, "Is how you do hair."

Jo then rolled her eyes at the two of them, "I'll pass on the frilly, girly hair care, thank you!" She then started to shave her legs, much to the other two's horror. I just giggled internally before leaving the facility.

I happened upon the Rats cabin, where I just barely caught glimpse of Sam attempting to steal cheese from a mouse trap. He was successful, which impressed the others, but the rest of the mouse traps were a different story.

"Yep, reflexes . . . Catlike," he said, and his body fell to the floor face first. With a quick groan, I rushed in and helped him up. "Where'd you come from?" Lightning asked, an airheaded, yet smug look on his face, "Were you spying on us?" Scott joined in, "Yes, Sir Dorkus, were you?"

I just rolled my eyes, "Nay-" I shifted Sam's weight over while I began to lead him to the infirmary, "There be nothing of value to spy on in here . . . Corporal McArthur." "Sir Kirkland."



So . . . maybe that wasn't the best way to show off my skills. But, I'm totally out of practice! Chris confiscated my last handheld yesterday. I haven't played a video game in fourteen hours, five minutes, and twenty-two seconds! *screams* Can someone send me a game console!?!?


This may seem insensitive, and I apologize if it is, but I have a fairly good assumption on which of the Rats is going home tonight if they lose . . .


"Hey, thanks for bringing me out of there," Sam said once we reached the tent. He sat onto one of the cots and I began removing the mousetraps, "'Tis no problem. I must say, that was an impressive stunt you pulled." He chuckled, "Thanks! It would have gone better if I had actually played a game recently."

I nodded, "It is best to keep in practice, my condolences." He nodded back, and gave me a sheepish smile while asking, "So . . . how does your lifestyle go, exactly?" My gaze lifted to match his, and I sent him a curious look, "You truly want to know?" 

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