Episode 11: Eat, Puke and Be Wary | Bonus Scene

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My joy could not be smothered if they tried.

It was finally free to breathe, or, so I felt so. The menace that had been hounding the likes of my friends and I had finally been terminated, everything felt at peace on the island . . . for a safe five minutes.

Eventually, it had dawned on me that the last challenge had caused some sort of tension to rise between my fellow three residents, and the lack of knowledge I had on the situation was, disheartening at best. I realized that going into the next portion of this competition would be difficult if I was not up to speed with everything, therefore, before I retired for the night, I approached the best person I knew for answers.


I placed my hand gently on his shoulder, his body tensing up at the sudden appearance before he realized it was me. He turned his head up to greet me, "Cassidy? Is everything alright?" I shook my head no and gestured my thumb towards the path into the forest, which he was quick to follow.

We walked along in silence for a while, as I was trying to make sure not to stress him too much. It had fallen dark, with the light rustling of the trees in the nightly breeze filling in the quiet. I held my hands behind my back as I marched beside him, finally sighing.

"I was the one who released Chris," I told him, "After you had told me to leave you be, I chose to abandon the possibility of winning to free him from the circumstances he was under." Cameron remained quiet, his eyes kept glued to his sneakers as he walked, and after another minute or so, I spoke again. "I suppose the plan went as you wished it to? In some form?"

"Sort of," he affirmed, rubbing the side of his arm. His hand then moved up to fiddle anxiously with the arm of his glasses. "I managed to remove the collars off of us, but then Lightning backed out of his part of the deal. So, I grabbed onto the back of his shirt and rode on his back to the finish. We arrived first, he was performing some sort of victory dance, and he backed into the pole where I hit my head, thus gaining immunity since I was the first to touch it."

I could not help but laugh at the circumstance. Although I wasn't present, the image I had in my head of the event was more than enough. He continued, "And because of that, Lightning seems to bent on exacting revenge on me for 'stealing his immunity'," making air quotes with his fingers. "I'm a bit concerned, but since he's the next biggest threat, it shouldn't be for long."

He slowed his pace all of a sudden, eventually coming to a full stop in front of a pair of trees. I doubled-back in my steps and glanced back at him, only to find his focus on a stray rope nearby. Kneeling to inspect it proved my instinct to be right, "It's one of his traps, I suppose Lord McLean has yet to send his interns to search the island for them."

Cameron, however, shook his head at my statement. He sank to his knees, flicking the rope with his fingers and thus triggering the trap. The cable swooshed around the nearby area, around a few trees before releasing a giant log from above us, and we both just barely managed to dodge it. I snapped my head over to him, and he adjusted his glasses again, "That's Zoey's."

When I raised my brow at him, he elaborated, "Something happened to Zoey as well during the challenge, I'm not entirely sure what it is, but she seems to have snapped." I blinked, the word taking a moment to sink in, and he shrugged at his own words. "Her new appearance is something to keep an eye on, but I'm sure she's still with us. I'm thinking all of the pressure from recent events have sparked something in her."

"Something along the lines of an adrenaline rush?" I suggested, unsure of what that meant, "Of perhaps some form of a rebellious phase?" Cameron shrugged again, and that was enough of a response for me.

Cassidy of Wawanakwa: TDROTI | ✅Where stories live. Discover now