Episode 5: Backstabbers Ahoy!

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The next morning was tense as can be. Believe you me, I have never wanted to sleep outdoors rather than in the cabin. It was just too stiff in there.

Brick had moved into the Rat Cabin while it was still dark, and even from the other cabin I could hear his alarm go off, and the collection of screams that followed.

As I was already awake, having a small conversation with Jo on the front steps of our cabin, it had little to no effect on me. She seemed used to it as well, but decided to taunt the others with a quick yell, "NOW YOU KNOW HOW WE FELT!" A quiet laugh escaped me, and Jo rustled her fingers through my hair.



Man, my ears haven't rung like that since I played Guitar Band 9 on maximum rockness. *chuckles before playing on his Gameguy*


There I was, on the one-yard line about to score a touchdown to win the Superbowl! . . . WHEN THE NEW GUY'S ALARM CLOCK WENT OFF! IF HE WAKES ME UP ONE MORE TIME LIKE THAT, HE'S GONNA GET STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!


*is holding the alarm clock* Show you what I'm gonna do to Brick! *hits the clock a few times before throwing it into the toilet, for it to go off and splash a jet of water into his face*


You know, I may have lost Soggy Drawers to the Rats, but at least Cass is still here. She's strange but tolerable. It's kinda weird though, how close she is with him . . . It's a strategic flaw, she better not start helping the other team just because he's there! *crosses her arms and looks away from the camera*


"Hey, Cassidy!" I turned my head around to see a slightly nervous Cameron poking his head through the door of the boy's side. I smiled at him, replying, "Good morning, everything alright?" He whispered back, suddenly calm, "Come in here, there's something you have to see!"

I nodded back at him, while Jo watched on suspiciously. She raised an eyebrow at us, but I reassured her by mouthing to her, 'Worry not'. Afterwards, I followed Cameron inside, quietly taking a seat on his bunk.

"Watch this!" He mumbled, and I look up to see Mike, somewhat still asleep, about to throw himself off of his bed. "Mike n-" I tried to call to him, but Cameron shushed me, pulling his notepad up.

"Stick the landing, Svetlana! Practice makes perfect ten!" He said, in Svetlana's voice as he flipped off of the top bunk and onto the wooden floor. Cameron took a few notes, and I kept watching.

Suddenly, he gasped again, and his hair went flat. "You're going down, Twinkle Toes!" I scoff, which has become a natural instinct whenever Vito is around. Cameron wrote some more, then Mike gasped once more.

"I've had it with you punks!" Chester? The old man? Now I was lost, but my fellow observer thought otherwise. "Fascinating . . ." He said, and I asked him, "Is this a normal occurrence, Cameron?"

He nodded, "Yeah, so far I've found three other personalities living inside Mike. The Russian Gymnast, The Old Man, and . . . The Egocentric Jersey Boy. Remember how we saw Svetlana go to work at the obstacle course?" I nodded, "Yes, what of it?"

"Well, I think I figured out where it comes from!" He then began to explain his notes to me, and I was surprisingly invested, especially with my poor understanding of science.



So far, I've documented three separate personalities within Mike. He's like a walking talking psychology textbook, and it's a total page-turner!

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