Her Monster|05

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Everything felt wrong, my body hummed and vibrated like it was on a rollercoaster ride and every turn made my body jump to the vibrations of going down the track.

"There is something wrong with our daughter Kia!" yelled papa, I kept my breathing steady.

"There is always something wrong! She is probably just acting!" Dad said, I felt my heart fall.

"I can't believe you won't even give her a chance! She's our daughter!" Papa yelled, I could hear his wolf surfacing.

"She's YOUR daughter!" Dad yelled, and that's when tears started falling down my cheeks and a sob came from my chest. I heard Papa gasp, and I knew they heard me and they knew I heard everything.

"I think you should go to your parent's house for a while, maybe rethink why you accepted me in the first place huh?" Papa said they were never apart I can't believe papa is sending him away.

"You're picking her over us!?" Dad growled, and papa laughed.

"I'm picking my child over a grown man who thinks she's not his daughter, you promised to accept both of my children if YOUR children are all you have room for then maybe I'm not meant to be in your heart either." Papa said, then I heard him come into the room.

"Fine!" Dad growled, slamming his way out of the pack hospital.

"Fay, baby don't cry." Papa said, I cried harder.

Let us in Fay.....

Your dad doesn't love you anymore...

They are fighting because of you...

I groaned as the room started spinning, I felt sick and I noticed Papa looking at me in a worried expression.

"I'm fine Papa, Kai doesn't love me and that's okay." I said, avoiding the dizzy feeling crawling up my neck.

"Kai is a damn fool believing all Edgar all the time." Papa said, I smiled and laid down.

"I'm just going to rest." I said, he nodded and I closed my eyes and passed out.

*sometime later*

"Wake up Fay." Papa said, he had taken me home after my name and the doctors cleared me.

I knew that they didn't do their job properly, in werewolf books they do blood work tests and if your a depressed were it will come up because of a specific addition to your bloodstream. It was sad, how badly they wanted me out of the pack doctors.

Everyone here hated me, all because of Edgar. I got out of the car and made my way upstairs, Papa said supper would be soon but I knew I wouldn't be eating with them.

"You little bitch." Edgar growled, I flinched as I tripped on his leg and crashed to the floor. I groaned as he grabbed my hair and pulled me to meet his eyes, and they were red.

"Edgar please don't." I whispered, he chuckled and smacked me across the face.

"You're ugly, worthless and Dad will never love you none of us will." He said, I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Liar." I whispered, but I knew it was true none of them truly loved me.

"I'm a liar." He kicked my side, I flinched "Your just a sorry little whore who nobody wants." Edgar whispered, and I curled in a bawl.

"I'm not a whore." I said, trying to defend myself but he grabbed my hair and bashed my face off the floor.

"Say it, Fay, Say you are a whore." Edgar said, I felt my tears pour down my face.

"I am a whore." I said, he chuckled and let me go leaving the room.

I quickly locked my room and winced as I went to my bed and curled in a bawl. Nobody loved me, Nobody cared, and Nobody would. Arenda was across the world and barely talked to me, she was grown and sophisticated and I doubt she wanted a child like me.


I laughed at the Irony as my phone began to ring, it was a call from Arenda. I answered it and mutter a soft hello, but there was no response.

"Did you turn off your phone?" A girl whispered, I held my breath.

"Of course baby." I heard Arenda slur, and I felt my heart tear apart.

"God your so sexy." The girl said, I felt tears start to fall.

"God Abigail, please touch me." Arenda moaned, she was drunk.

"Who is it, me or your mate Arenda." The girl asked, I heard Arenda moans as my heart begged for her answer.

"You! Oh fuck, it's always you!" Arenda screamed, and I hung up.

I cried, I felt my heart fall apart into broken pieces. I was sobbing loudly, as I opened her contact and sent her a text message.

To: Arenda

Subject: Goodbye

Whoever Abigail is I hope she was worth it, making a life for us. You fucking liar, I wish I could see you so I could fucking reject your cheating ass right now.

Remember this, I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN, LOSE MY NUMBER YOU WHORE.

Sincerely your EX-mate.

I pressed sent and curled up in a tight ball. Pixie was whimpering in my mind from what she heard, she kept saying "She didn't choose us" and I agreed with her. My eyes felt so heavy, I felt like my mind was about to explode.

I hated everyone, I hated heroes and Edgar and Arenda for hurting me.

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