Tomato sause

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    He went faster and was coming close to me.

   "Dude why did you just hit me", I say while I look up

   From my view I saw one of the most handsome guy in the universe Finn. Finn was the high school player and the dangerous boy.

    I blush creeped on my face as I looked down and notice how there was tomato sauce on my shirt.

  " Sorry", Finn says.

   "Oh you'll be sorry", I exclaimed as I was strait out of the lunch room pissed.

   I quickly ran into the girls washroom and got some paper towels to try to take as much as the tomato sauce off. There was so much tomato sauce on my shirt that I took of the mustered colour shit so I wouldn't leak through onto my bra.

   There was no one in the bathroom so I was safe. I realized I forgot to lock the door in the girls bathroom so in came Finn.

  I glared at him as he glared at me and that's when I noticed my t shirt wasn't on.

   " Do you need help with that", Finn said.

   " No I don't need help", I said.

   " No I mean do you need help with that", he said coming closer to me and pointing to the sauce on my bra.

   " n-no I don't need h-help with", I couldn't speak anymore as he can closer to me.

    " The things you do to me y/n ", he said as I can practically feel his breath on my face.

O boy

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