Chapter 48: Blind to see the truth

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

Night: 7

Time: 2:50 a.m.

"You sure everything was alright back at the pizzeria while we were gone?" I asked Foxy. "Well, I can't say for sure. Besides, Shadow could handle any danger on his own." She responded. I wasn't satisfied with her answer. I couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened at the pizzeria while we went on our date. Something in me was telling me something had happened. "Everything will be alright!" Said Foxy. She probably saw the look on my face, which indicated I was still worrying about it. "How would you know?" I asked. "Well..." Said Foxy. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make you feel better." "Its fine." I responded. We walked around the corner as the pizzeria was now visible in sight. "And what if something did happen?" Asked Foxy. "We'll see when we find out, or not." I said answering her question. "And I have the feeling something did." We approached the main entrance as I opened the door and walked inside. Foxy followed behind me as I was viewing my surroundings. It was unusually quiet, and dead, as if nobody was here to begin with. This was giving me an unsettling feeling, a feeling that indicated that everything was not right. "Shadow! Ballora! Baby!" I called out. There was no response, the only thing that answered back was the silence. "This is not right." I said to Foxy. "Over here!" Said a voice. "Who this!" I said back. "Minireena!" "What! Ballora's Minireena is never out!" Said Foxy. We ran over to where I thought I had heard her voice. Only to find her, and a broken Ballora. "What happened?" I asked. "They showed up!" Said Minireena. "You're gonna have to elaborate, who's they?" I said. "I think she means us." I turned around to see the person I expected to see, but also someone else I couldn't believe that was with him. Standing inches away, was Ennard, and beside him Bon Bon. "BON BON! WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?" I yelled. My eyes were not deceiving me, Bon Bon was with him. "I think you've been misunderstood, am I right?" Said Ennard. All of a sudden something came out of Bon Bon, it was a shadow. Bon Bon fell to the floor, as this shadow stared at me and Foxy. "I got to hand it to you, if you didn't have that hand puppet of yours, it would've been more harder for RXQ to contribute to our plan." Said Ennard. "RXQ?" I asked. "Shadow never mentioned this RXQ? Or did he not know about him?" I thought. "You were so blind to see that this whole time he had taken control of your hand puppets body." Stated Ennard. "How? Why did he do this?" I asked. "Oh, to prevent you from something." Responded Ennard. "That door! You didn't want me near it!" I said realizing what he was referring too. "You sure do catch on to things quickly." Said Ennard with a evil smile. "This is true, when my master found out about you finding the room, no thanks to Afton, he decided he needed a way to draw your attention away from the room." "And you decided to trick me into thinking my friend hated me." I said finishing his sentence. "Correct. My master decided to use RXQ since he could only go into a body that was the model of Bonnie." Said Ennard. "Too bad Afton is gone to see what we've accomplished." "He killed him." I thought. This showed this "master" will do anything he wanted, even kill his own followers. And Ennard may not realize it, but he may suffer the same fate. "Wait! Where's Baby and Shadow?" Asked Foxy. I had completely over thought these factors, where were they? "Baby... tried to reason me, and I asked her to join me. Though knowing her, she refused. Don't worry, she's in good care... for now." Said Ennard. "Shadow ran off... like a coward, and he hasn't shown up surprisingly by now." At the corner of my eye, I saw something slip by us. "You're a monster." I said. "Its just sad to see you blinded on what is really going on." Said Ennard. "No, you're blinded to see the truth!" I said. He gave me a look of interest for what I said. "What do you mean?" "You should've realized by now that 'he' is gonna destroy you next!" I said. "Why would he?" Asked Ennard. "Why would he? He already did it to Purple Guy, he could just do the same to you!" I said perplexed at his response. "Face it, he won't need you anytime soon after 'he' gets what he wants!" Ennard didn't say anything at all, I wasn't sure if he realized the truth, or if he was dumbstruck. For a moment I twitched, and I knew why. "You're wrong! HE DOES NEED ME! DESTROY HIM RXQ!" He yelled. "With pleasure." Said RXQ with a grin while walking towards me. "This will draw out Shadow." Said Ennard. "Actually..." I said while my eyes were turning black. "I'm already here waiting for you."

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