Chapter 7

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A week has passed and we are now being called to the stadium for the new year's tournanent

It seems that whoever wins, will get one wish, and for the guards, they have a bonus

Cell 13 was picked for our building

Mitsuru was about to announce something then he saw me

"Oh my! The little rabbit is here! Hallo!" He said waving his hand

I waved back then he went back to announcing

The first game wasn't that much entertaining, just calligraphy,the second match was a battle of Building 5 and 13 on mochi pounding

Eliza saw Liang entered, and so did Rock "Go Rock! Go Liang! Glad to see you getting better" She said

The two noticed her then blushed but immediately got back into action

After a while building 13 won, the next event was top spinning, she saw her little warrior enter, with Qi, Samon, Hajime , and Nico

"Go building 13! Go building 5! Go My little warrior! Do your best!" She said they blushed at her words but Hajime and Nico got confused at the little warrior part


"Ne~ ne~ who is the little warrior she's talking about?" Nico asked Upa

Upa blushed but answered "It's me of course, I've had enough of this, let's just battle"


Building 13 eventually won, Eliza decided not to watch the next event and went to see Upa

She went in the clinic and saw Upa bandaged up

"Oh my goodness, my little warrior, are you alright? Does it hurt anyware else?" She asked worried about her 'baby brother'

"I-I'm fine, don't worry too much" he said crossing his arms and pouting for his lost

Eliza noticed

"Oh my little warrior, you did an amazing job at battle today, very good" She said then ruffling his hair

Upa liked it when she does that

"Great job for you guys as well" Eliza said to Liang, and Samon

They blushed and thanked her

Eliza then went back to the stadium only to find people running away, she took a look at the field and saw someone familiar with Jyugo

The crowd was too  noisy to scream anything

She ran to the field, doged the fire and attacks of other supervisor

Not listening to the guards, She ran to Musashi, hugged him by the back and spoke

"Stop this ,Mushi" She said near his ear

Musashi stopped attacking, he faced her and hugged her

"That skin, that touch, that voice, and not to mention, only one person calls me that, Liza it's you, I missed you" he said and pulled away from the hug

"I missed you too, but you are misbehaving, go and surrender" Liza said

"Fine, talk to you later" Mushi said surrenderring immediately

Musashi let Kenshirou apprehend him, Eliza then saw Jyugo bring his sword/arm down at Uno ,she quickly ran and shielded Uno

"" Uno said

"Great you are fine" Eliza said smiling

"But you're not!" Uno was right, there was a large cut on her back, and it's bleeding, but Eliza didn't mind it, instead went to Jyugo

Before Jyugo could attack again,she hit him hard on the stomach, then he collapsed

Hajime came "No.19, thanks for controlling them but go to the infirmary"

"Understood" she said then went to the infirmary

Upa and Liang were still there "Oh hello, is Kazari here?" She asked

Then Kazari walked in "What brat?"
Eliza turned around to show the large cut

Kazari dropped her cigarette
Upa and Liang got shocked

That was the last thing she saw then blacked out

Eliza showed her back, The 3 people in the room were very shocked

She then collapsed on the floor

Upa was the first to snap out of his shock

"Liz-nee! Liz-nee! Wake up!" Upa said but was pulled away by Liang

Kazari then quickly brought her to a room to treat her

"Let me go! Let me go!" Upa said with tears streeming down his face

He then collapsed to the floor still crying "Liz-nee! Please live!" He kept saying

Liang patted Upa's back to comfort him, it wasn't a surprise to Liang that Upa was like this, after all Upa treated Liz as his big sister, and Liz treated him as a baby brother, they were practically family

Not long after, Hajime, Seitarou, Yamato, Samon, Kiji, Honey, Trois, Uno,Nico ,Rock,Tsukumo, and Qi came barging at the door

Then they saw Upa crying they got more worried

"Where's Eli/Eliza/Liz/No.19?!?!" They all asked

"....she's getting treated by Kazari" Liang said still comforting Upa

"Why is he crying?" Hajime asked

"When Eliza came here, it look like she was alright, then she turned her back for us, we saw a large bleeding cut on her back, then she collapsed" Liang said

"I.....see" Hajime said with a sad expression but only him, everyone had a sad expression

Eliza was the kindest inmate the guards could ask for, she was a great friend to the inmates, a crush for... some, and a big sister to Upa

They all sat and waited in silence for what seemed like several hours

Then the door opened, Kazari came out with a sad expression

Everyone got worried

"How's Eliza/Liz/Liz-nee/Eli/No.19?!?!" They asked

".......the cut in her back was deeper than expected...she's fine now but she probably won't wake up in a couple a days" Kazari said

Upa collapsed on the floor again"T-that's fine, she's alive"

Liang patted his head "yes ,upa, she'll live"

Upa smiled and so did the others

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