Chapter 19

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Nico was panting hard not only did he lost his medicine but he had to carry Eliza

"Oh Nico I am truly sorry.." Eliza said

"It's fine Eliza" Nico said

"Thank you for carrying me even though you were in need of being carried as well, next time let me defend you" she said which made Nico think

"Hah!" He realized it "you mean?!"

"Yes Nico, I forgive you, you have earned back your trust" she said

Nico rejoyced and momentarily forgot his pain, while the others were either a bit sad or much more determined to get her trust back

"Hey coast is clear" Jyugo said

They went out again but after a few walks they were blasted by ki

"Woah!" Uno barely doged it

Then in came Rokuriki blasting them ki, he was being controlled

"Hurry! Get going!" Liang pointed at the next hallway

The other followed and run but Liang and Upa stayed "What are you doing!? Run?!" Uno said

"This is a guard from our building" Liang said

"We'll take care of it!" Upa blasted ki on top and piled that entrance with rocks

"Argh! We can't do anything anymore!" Rock said

"Let's go!" Honey said they followed him

Eliza smirked "Take care Liang, you too my little warrior!" The she soon followed the others


"Liang....did you hear that?....she said Take care!" Upa said slowly realizing what that means

"Does that mean?!" Liang said also realizing it

"She-" they said but was cut off

"Eliza trust you guys!" Nico said popping out of a corner

"What the heck!? Why are you here!?" Upa said

"That's not good, I'll tell Eliza about your behavior" Nico said

"....sorry..." Upa said


Eliza and the others were now infront of a gate, Jyugo was about to unlock it but...a flood of water came they were about to run off but got caught by the wave

(Time skip)

*cough cough* "is everyone alright?" Rock asked

"Yeah but wait...where's Jyugo? And Eliza?" Uno asked then he spotted Jyugo passed out "Oh my Jyugo!"

Trois the saw Eliza in the corner away from them, she also seemed to have pass out, but Trois went by himself as they bicked among themselves

He lifted Eliza up a bit "Eli...." He shook her a bit "Eli... wake up"

She didn't respond so he took this as a chance, he slowly brought his face close to hers, he placed the hair at her ear and cupped her cheeks, he was slowy going down but

"Mnn" Eli was waking up so he immediately when back to his normal position

"Are you ok Eli?" He sweatdropped

"*cough cough* yes, thank you Trois, I appreciate you helping me and attempting to try and wake me up" Eli said

He sweatdropped even more then they got called by everyone

"Where did you two go?" Honey said

"Trois helped me" Eli said

"Do you forg-" Uno was cut off

"I forgive him, and Jyugo as well, while drowning Jyugo managed to unlock the gate and try to protect me under the current" Eli said the others looked sad then she smirked "I also forgive the rest, you have been looking out for me since the start but have not gotten any oppurtunity to save or help me"

The guys lightened up and cheered "Yes!" "She trust us again!" "I knew I could do it" Rock, Uno, and Honey said

"Well well...a happy bunch are you" A queer said

"A queer!!" The boys said

"Who are you calling a queer?!" The queer said

Eliza step forward "Forgive them, they do not mean any offense, but may you please show us where our supervisors are?"

"Tch! Why would I tell you!?" Ruka asked

"You would tell me because I came from Elirian" She said

"Elirian?.... ELIRIAN COUNTRY!?!?" Ruka asked

"Yes indeed, now I suggest you pick up the pace" she said

Ruka immediately bowed "yes ma'am" then guided her to Kiji's cell

"Took you long enough" Kiji complained

Then he saw Ruka and apprehended him "This Ruka here is a criminal, I'm glad he didn't harm you guys"

"Well Eliza kinda used her position" Jyugo said

"Really 19?" Kiji asked

"Yes, it would not hurt to use it once in a while" She said then turned to Ruka "please guide us to the others"

"Y-yes" Ruka began walking as they followed they came across Yoriki and Kokuriki, then saw Liang, Upa, Qi, and Nico

"Liz nee!!" Upa ran towards her and gave her a big hug

Liz returned the hug "it is good to see that you are ok my little warrior"

"Y-you know Liz-nee, Qi was helping the bad guys" Upa said

"E-eh?! But I abandoned them and helped you remember?!" Qi said

Eliza was happy that everything went back to normal "Shush!" She silenced them "Upa it is bad to accuse someone without knowing the full truth, and Qi at least try and give them a signal that you are on there side so they would not misunderstand"

"S-sorry" Upa and Qi said

They then followed Ruka again, eventually they found Hajime and Samon, they were now off to where Enki is

(Time skip)

"What is the meaning of this Ruka!?" Enki asked shocked at the escaped prisoner of his

"U-um Miss here is from Elirian country" Ruka pointed at Eliza

"So?" Enki asked

"Eh?" Ruka asked

"So what? We don't need to fear her, she's in prison, I'm sure she doesn't have a great status, and even if she is we're in prison, every prisoner is treated the same" Enki said

"Yes quite true but you have misunderstand something..." Eliza said

"Oh? And what is it miss from Elirian?" Enki asked

" not a prisoner, and I will not allow someone like you to talk like that" Eliza said as she glared at Enki "Hajime! Samon! Kiji!"

"Y-yes!" They saluted

"Apprehend him this instant!" At that command they dashed off and fought Enki, eventually over powering him

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