Chapter 14

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It was now the end of the day, Eliza, Upa and Musashi went back to Eliza's cell

Musashi sat on her bed then lied down like it was his, Upa got irritated
"Hey! Where on earth will Liz-nee and I sleep if you sleep there!"

"Chill kid, there's extra futon" Musashi said

"But still! Liz-nee should be the one there!" Upa said

Musashi got a bit irritated now, he sat up and grab Eliza by the waist and pulled her to him then lied down, she was now lying on his chest "Is this better kid?"

"Wha! N-no!" Upa said and tried seperating them

"My little warrior, calm down, I am fine, I do not mind this contact, he is allowed" Eliza said

Upa was shocked but at closer inspection they did look very comfortable with eachother

"See kid, she said it's fine, and I did told you earlier, that I'll show you how much I love her" Mushi said the sat up with Liz

He then went to get futon and placed it on the floor then lied down himself

"Eh?" Upa said

"Problem?" Musashi asked

"Eh no but you were there earlier but wh-" Upa was cut off by Musashi

"I told you I'd show you right, but I also want to earn your trust, so I'll stay here "Musashi said

Upa secretly smiled, he can't believe it but he is trusting this man, he then got another futon and placed it next to Musashi then lied down

"Eh?" Now it was Musashi's time to be confused

"Don't keep acting like that, I'm trusting you now" Upa said

Musashi smiled and patted Upa's head

Eliza just watched them the whole tine and smiled to herself, she grabbed the pillow from her bed and placed it between Upa and Musashi's pillow then lied down

"Eh?" The two asked

"If both of you are sleeping on the floor then I shall as well" she said

Musashi and Upa smiled, Musashi draped his blanket on Eliza so they were sharing, they then turned off the lights to sleep

(Time skip)

Upa is now fast asleep, Musashi and Liza were still awake

"Is he asleep?" Mushi asked


"Finally, I know the kid won't be happy if I kiss you so I have to do it in private"

"I understand" Liza said then kissed his nose

"Goodnight Liza" Mushi kissed her lips, they stayed like that for a while then pulled away

"Goodnight Mushi" Liza said then wrapped her arms around his neck, Mushi then wrap his arms around her waist then they fell asleep

(Next morning)

Liza and Mushi were the first to wake up, they were still in the same position

Mushi kissed Liza and she kissed back, it was a morning kiss, it was an unspoken agreement

They then pulled away and said their goodmornings


The warden called Hajime to her office, Samon stood there like usual

"Yes ma'am? You called?" Hajime asked

"I have, it's matters concerning No.19, only me and Mitsuru knew her crime, but I think it's time for you to know as well" The warden said

Samom and Hajime tensed up, because of Eliza's kind nature they totally forgot she was a criminal

Hajime gulped and took the documents, he opened it and his eyes widened " this true?"

She nodded, Samon took a peek and his eyes also widened "b-but she would never do this...."

"Unfortunately she did, though she did have reasons" The warden said

"What reasons?" Hajime and Samon asked

"I can not tell you, if you want to know ask her yourself" She said then shooed them away


It was now in the afternoon and Eliza, Musashi and Upa went to the game room and found everyone else inclucing the supervisors

"Hello everyone" Eliza greeted

None of them responded, some stared at her sadly while some looked at their feet

Musashi and Upa were curious so Upa asked "Why the look guys?"

"....Upa, come here, get away from her" Qi said in a serious tone

"Huh? What? Why?" Upa waa taken aback by his seriousness

Liang grabbed Upa and went to the others while grippimg his arm

"Hey! Let go!" Upa said as he tried to escape

"No! Upa, you can't be near someone like her!" Liang said

"Why?!?!" Upa asked

"Because......She's a murderer!!!" Liamg said causing Upa to freeze

"Eh?" Upa asked

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