Chapter 10

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(Time skip)

Cell 13 was brought back to their cell, but Jyugo was beaten up by Upa and is pouting like a sour loser

Upa, Yamato, and Hajime went back to the guards room

"Thanks 19! We owe you a lot!" Yamato said with Hajime agreeing

"Liz-nee! Did I do well?" Upa asked sitting back at her lap

"Haha, yes you did my little warrior, though I understand why you beaten up Jyugo, do not be too harsh next time" Eliza said

Upa nodded

"No.58, No.19, time for breakfast" Seitarou said

They nodded and went to eat, Upa sat with them at the guards table next to Liz, they were just about to finish eating when Shiro came

Shiro slammed down, A cake, A big ice cream, and milkshakes, he stared at Eliza for a couple of seconds then left

"Thank you, Shiro!" Eliza said

"What.........happened?" Upa asked not knowing the situation

"Oh, that's Shiro, he seems to be glad Eliza came back so he brought desserts" Seitarou said

Upa thought it was a bit weird but nodded and ate some dessert

(Time skip)

Upa and Eliza are going to building 5, Eliza is accompanying him to the building, though she thinks it will be best to go to the infirmary first

"I'm really really fine Liz-nee, I just have to rush to the bathroom later" Upa said clutching his stomach

Though Upa planned on eating a few desserts, he find it too delicious to waste, he ended up eating more than he can take

Then we arrived at building 5, the second we took a step inside Upa ran off to the bathroom, I giggled and decided to go to the others

I saw Liang training with Samon while Qi was lazily watching, I walked up to them and they seemed to notice cause they stopped

"Liz/No.19" they said

"Hello everyone,lovely to see you again" Liz said

"Where's Upa?" Qi asked looking around

"He went to the bathroom, He ate too many desserts earlier" She said

"Liz, does your back hurt?" Liang asked

"Sometimes, when I stand up after lying down or when someone bumps into it" She said

"I see, will you be staying for lunch?" Samon asked

"I am afraid I have to refuse that, I will also be going to building 4 to visit Mushi, I will pressumably be eatin lunch there"

"Musashi? why?" Liang asked

"We have not really have a proper talk, I would like to spend time with him" A tint of blush forming on her cheeks

The 3 noticed and was about to ask something when Upa came back running to Liz


"Oh, My little warrior, just in time, I will be leaving now, be good" She said ruffling Upa's hair

"Sure!" He said

"Yeah right" Qi said in sarcasm

"Goodbye everyone, Qi if my little warrior does bad, do not hesitate to tell me, I will make sure that he would not sit on my lap" Liz said waving to them

They waved back but Upa got a bit pressured by what Liz said, he liked sitting at her lap and was pretty much used to it, he doesn't want to not do it everytime she sits

Eliza went to building 4, Kenshirou was outside and greeted her, he showed her to Musashi's cell

"No.634, you have a visitor, it'-" Kenshirou said but was cut off

"It's Liza, I know, I know she'll visit me" Musashi said smirking

Kenshirou sighed and let Liza in Mushi's cell, he then went back to his office, and said he'll be back later

Liza went near to where Mushi's sitting at the floor, she sat infront of him "How are you?" She asked

"I am well, and you?"

"I am fine, my back hurts sometimes but-" She reached out her hand and touched blindfolded eyes "your eyes"

Mushi can feel her sadness, he placed her hand on his cheek and put his hand over it "I'm fine, It's okay, I got used to it"

"I am sorry, if I had not requested to go out, you might have time to save your parents" She said feeling more sad

Mushi removed his hand from her hand and touched her cheek"No, it's fine really, don't worry, I was the one who decided"


"Liza" he called her


"Please, don't worry, I don't like you worrying about things like that" his face was serious, he doesn't want her to worry, after all that she's done for him, he knew she won't stop blaming herself

Liza sighed, she knew he wouldn't give up, no matter what " Alright"

Musashi smiled and got closer to her face, Liza knew what he was getting at, so she got close as well, she closed her eyed as their lips connected

Mushi pulled her closer and hugged her waist without breaking the kiss, Liza hugged back and put her arms around his neck

Kenshirou was walking back to Musashi's cell, but stooped when he heard them talking, after heard a bit of their conversation, he was curious as to why they suddenly stopped

He took a peek and saw the scene, he was beyond shock, his face could be compare to a tomato, but he knew they needed space so he did it upon himself to leave them be for a few more minutes

He knew that there was something between them for the time they talked at the infirmary

After a while, Musahi and Eliza parted from the kiss, they hugged each other tightly, but Musashi was carefull not to hurt her

They parted from the hug ,Liza sat in between Mushi's legs, she was leaning on his chest, he wrapped his arm around her to hug her, he then placed his head on her shoulder

"I miss this" Mushi said

"Me too"

"I love you Liza"

"I love you too Mushi"

They stayed like that for a while, it was a comfortable silence between them, they just love spending tine together

Then they heard someone by the door

" *cough cough*" they looked to see Kenshirou with a bit of a shy face

"Umm.....Lunch time" He said, they nodded and followed him hand in hand to eat

Liza sat next to Mushi and Kenshirou across from them, they were eating in silence but Kenshirou decided to ask something

"So...umm...Are you two...a...... couple?"

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